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Midi Control Switch via USB to Mac Computer?


I'm new to the Fractal ecosystem and frankly out of touch with guitar technology after not playing for 15 years.

I'm currently using GarageBand on a Mac just to mess around without paying for a decent DAW and unfortunately, GarageBand has no way to use external controls other then a keyboard.

My thought was to use a Midi Control Switch and set that up as CS1 with Latching and send that to the Mac via USB to then have that input translated to keystrokes which will control the application in focus..

However, I seem to only be getting continuous garbage from the Axe when I attempt to monitor the Midi signal.. and I cannot capture anything from it..

Has anyone been successful with using the USB midi setup on a Mac.. or should I just scrap the idea and use Midi-to-USB adapter? Or will that fail also?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Unless something has changed recently, control switches can send MIDI messages, but they only send them to the physical MIDI output on the Axe FX III. They don’t send the messages over USB. You’ll need an external USB/MIDI device to make that work. What type of MIDI device (foot control?) are you using to try to do this?
I actually want to go the other way.
I assumed it was a limitation to the Midi over USB and I have a midi to USB adapter coming tomorrow.

mid like to use a switch on my FC-12 to send a control to the computer.. which is then run through an interpreter.. changed to “R” and then use that to trigger start/stop record on GarageBand :)
Yep, that’s what I meant. You’ll need to connect the MIDI output of the Axe to a separate MIDI-USB interface for this to work. Control switch MIDI messages only work via the MIDI output of the Axe, not the USB connection on the Axe.
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