Wish Mid-Shift for Marshall JVM410HJS


The Marshall JVM410HJS is one of my favorite amp models for high gain rhythm sounds. The original amp has a feature that shifts the midrange frequency from ca. 650 to 500 Hz. It's a very unique feature for a Marshall amp, but it hasn't been modeled for the AX8. Would be very nice to have that feature modeled.
Or is there a way to emulate the mid-shift using the advanced amp controls in AX8-Edit (is the "Tone Freq" control in the Preamp section related to the amp's mid control?)?
Try “Fat”.
If I understand it right, the Fat switch emphasizes the midrange. The mid-shift of the JVM seems to do the exact opposite, shifts the mid freq from 650 to 500 and attenuates the midrange to make more room for leads and vocals.

Can someone tell me, what the „Tone Freq“ control in the preamp section does? I read the Amp Block article in the Wiki but couldn‘t find any information. I saw that it is set to 600 Hz, so is it some kind of midrange frequency selector?
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