MFC101 Wishlist items


Power User
#1. I would like to be able to assign one of my external controllers to tap tempo, (I don't like those clicking buttons for tap) but I lose the flashing it possible to have the LCD flash an asterisk or something in tempo when using an external controller assigned to tap?

#2 I would like to see the reveal button make the entire controller open to different IA's. Like a page 2.

I think that would make it more tweaker friendly.

If you want to keep it the same and just add IA's under the preset switches like it is now that would work.

If you want to switch maybe a few of the current IA's when you hit reveal...that would work.

If you want the reveal page to be something entirely different from the first page...that would work too.
Great suggestions - especially the reveal for another page of IA's.

I use an external controller for Tap Tempo, but keep the original configuration as well to see the LED.

I would also like to see expansion of the global preset a la the "step-thru" function of the Liquid Foot. Even if there was a secondary preset for each of the bottom 5 program change switches, that would be awesome.
1) Combine the tap tempo/tuner button; hold it down for 2 seconds and it becomes the tuner, thus freeing up another IA
2) Make a second page of IA's, that can be accessed with Reveal (not just the presets), or by holding a switch down for 2 seconds
3) Software editor!
4) Get the current AxeEDIT to work properly when used with the MFC-101, so changing presets on one changes them on the other, and IA states match.
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