MFC101 - What to do with all those buttons...?

tgunn said:
Stringtheorist said:
However, if the MFC can't send PC messages on a per-preset basis I will need all those extra buttons for synth presets and other stuff. Can anyone confirm whether this is the case?
PC stands for Preset Change. All midi controllers can send PC messages per preset by definition. Am I missing the point?
Are you sure? Perhaps I'm getting confused but I thought on some controllers you could only program the switch itself to send the PC. Also, I need to know how many devices (MIDI channels) I can communicate with on each preset/switch.
Stringtheorist said:
Are you sure? Perhaps I'm getting confused but I thought on some controllers you could only program the switch itself to send the PC. Also, I need to know how many devices (MIDI channels) I can communicate with on each preset/switch.
There's no manual available yet etc, so this is just my assumption of how things work... but...
The preset buttons at the lowest row can select whatever preset is in the current bank*. Each of these presets can send at least one PC command to a device. MIDI controllers in this price/quality class can typically communicate with multiple devices on different channels and send a PC to each one of those per controller preset. Additionally each controller preset can send a number of CC messages each of the devices. I expect this to be the case with the MFC as well. Imo this is a "basic" feature set of any midi controller and modern ones in this price range go well beyond this and have things like LFOs, bidirectional communication for tempo display, tuner support etc and preset names. That last one I think is a proprietary MFC/Axe addition to the MIDI standard - but I don't know the standard that well :)

* I believe you can configure what buttons are preset buttons and which ones aren't. You can have 15 preset buttons if you want to but I believe that by default the lowest row is for presets, the rest for cc's (minus controller buttons such as up/down/reveal).
If I had to guess...I would say the MFC101 is going to be very close or superior in every way to the Liquidfoot Pro...minus a couple switches.

Cliff has never shown to be someone who compromises and I feel that this controller will be every bit a work of love that the Axe-Fx is.

So to make a short story long...if you are familiar with the features of the LFP (which can do just about anything any controller can do)....that will give you an idea of how powerful the MFC is going to be.
tgunn said:
PC stands for Preset Change. All midi controllers can send PC messages per preset by definition. Am I missing the point?

Just for the record PC stands for Program Change. You can use that message to change the Preset on the Axe

On an UNO chipped FCB1010, for each pedal, you can configure two PC messages and two CC messages. They can go out on different midi channels. That way you can obviously control multiple midi devices in your rack.
I believe what Stringtheorist is asking after is if you select preset #x on the MFC, can you make preset #x on the MFC automatically send out a specific MIDI PC #y.

replace "preset" with "scene" if the request doesn't make sense yet.
dirtypurple said:
tgunn said:
PC stands for Preset Change. All midi controllers can send PC messages per preset by definition. Am I missing the point?

Just for the record PC stands for Program Change. You can use that message to change the Preset on the Axe

On an UNO chipped FCB1010, for each pedal, you can configure two PC messages and two CC messages. They can go out on different midi channels. That way you can obviously control multiple midi devices in your rack.
Yup, sorry, got too focused on the word "Preset". :) Same difference in this context though.
Regardless, I think the answer to Stringtheorist's question is (an unconfirmed) "yes we can"
I’m on the waiting list for a MFC 101 and looking forward to it. Currently have a Rocktron All Access, BTW it’s a great board have had it for over 10 years now. I can pretty much do anything with it, that I need, Banking styles, program IA switch combination's and program every IA for latching, momentary and so on.

The reason I want to trade up is convenience really! Better display, will pull the titles off the Axe Fx, the turner also. The part I really like is the IA switches the LED’s will tell you when pull up a program the state of them whether they are currently on or off or even available in that program. There is other stuff but you guys get the point.
I currently use the same All access, and also want the MFC - not for an upgrade but for the 3 colour LEDs and the tuner display. The extra couple of IAs are helpfull but not necessary for me.
SparkyG said:
I have a hunch that the clever Mr Cliff has a few surprises in store for us.

It wouldn't surprise me if there are some real clever features in here never before seen in a foot controller, which maybe why he's kept quiet about it so some of the bigger players don't beat him to market.

After all he has got a brain the size of a planet.

You mean he resembles these guys??

You will STOP asking for release date..

You will BUY and LIKE the MFC101..all hail Emperor Cliff..
gittarzann said:
The row of switches on the bottom can be toggled from IA's to presets with a quick tap of the reveal switch located in the upper right corner of the controller.

Very ingenious if you ask me....this feature takes the controller from only having 12 IA's to having 17 !!!

I would actually like the opposite behavior - I have no need for that many IA's - I would like to see "reveal" give me access to 17 patches instead. So I click "reveal" followed by a switch and it reverts back to 5 patch switches + 12 IA's. This would let me have 5 goto patches always ready and nearly as quick access to a lot more. I would never need to use more than one bank.
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