MFC with Axe II & Ultra



Can't find the answer to a question that I thought might have been asked already, so I'll have to start a new thread.

Context: My current rig has a MFC and an Ultra paired together. However, one day I will replace the Ultra with my Axe II and I'm currently in the process of copying patches manually from the Ultra to my Axe II as best I can. As part of this 'making Axe II patches process' it would be helpful if I could occasionally pair my Axe II with the MFC to start setting up stomp options, external pedals, sound levels etc...but I have the following question:

Q: Will my existing MFC & Ultra settings (which took some time to set up and are crucial for my gigs) be lost for ever if I pair my MFC with my Axe II? Or can you switch between Ultra & Axe II and the MFC will 'remember' the settings for each unit?

Thanks for reading.
If you're using AxeFx mode on the MFC, there should be no prob because the MFC doesn't actually "remember" anything, it gets all the info from the AxeFx when you select a patch.
Thanks aleclee. So does that mean that the MFC is currently getting all it's info from the Ultra?

Hmm, I did wonder because there have been MFC software updates so I thought that the MFC had a computer or something on board. (It must have I guess.)
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