MFC setup question

I went a page further, and dialed in the corresponding cc number, but it doesn't work. Only when there's a chorus block in there, not when any of the other blocks assigned to the same number are in a preset.
I went a page further, and dialed in the corresponding cc number, but it doesn't work. Only when there's a chorus block in there, not when any of the other blocks assigned to the same number are in a preset.

It sounds like you kept the Axe-FX function as "Chorus". You have to switch that to "none" for the IA to be available with no chorus block present.
I now have a GCP, but if the MFC could do the following, I'd upgrade

bottom 5 buttons for presets
next row 5 for scenes
the rest for switching fx on and off

A: is this doable?
B: do I have to go to MIT to do it?



I just got mine and am attempting the same setup.
axe function is 'none', and cc is 41. But the assigned switch doesn't light up.

In one preset, where I have an active rotary block in scene one, it does become deactivated when I select that preset, I can activate the block then with the assigned switch

*X files theme*

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