MFC Bug?


Since updating to FW 13 and the MFC 3., buttons 1-4 will only function as a scene select for the first preset. I changed presets in the number 1 position and i did a restore of the mFc but those first for foot buttons will only chamge scenes and not presets. It only happens for preset number 1. Very wierd. Any ideas?
Prset 5 and on, it works normally. There is no way to get to preset 2,3, and 4 from the mfc. Ive checked too in the midi medu. Switches ia1-ia4 were on scene after i did a restore, which is very wierd. I changed those 4 to none, saved and re booted and those switches will still only change scenes, not presets on preset 1.
Anybody? This is really anoying. I have agig tommorrow and the mfc is gonna be unusable if i cant figure it out.
Ive done another clean firmware update of both the axe and MFC to latest and re installed all the stock presets. Still doing the same thing except it is buttons 1-5 with presets 1-5. If i select preset 1 and then go to cgane to preset 2 (or 3,4, or 5) on the MFC all I get are scene changes for preset 1. Whats even wierder is that the numbers change (XOO2, XOO3, ect but then name remains the first prest and only the scenes change. pleez, anyy got any ideas? Cliff? help!
Ive already checked that totalsynch is on and Ia switches 1-5 are set to none not any of the scenes) thanks
Did you try resetting the MFC by holding down footswitch #11 while powering up? You will need to reprogram the MFC if you do this.
I am noticing that the prgramchg 000----001 and i cant get them to match to 000. Goes from 1 right to 384. This is after a reset
Im alittle surprised with the minimal input and I appreciate you guys who did. I figured it out. Somehow in the I/O menu, despite several system restores and repeated firmware re-updating, there is a mapvto menu item which should default to none. For somereason on my unit it defaulted to custom. This was causing the odd Ia switch behavior with the first 4 presets. All is back to normal. If anyone experience weird behavior when steppong on an Ia switch and it aint doing what you orogrammed it to do, check this setting. It should be on none.
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