MFC 101 update ?

John Watkins said:
This morning I sent an email to get on the waiting list and received a reply that said "First batch is due end of June".

BTW, this is my first post. I've had my Ultra for about a month and I really appreciate all of the information that everyone has contributed to this forum. It has really helped me out a lot.


Thats one hell of a first post John :eek: Welcome to the madhouse :D

Well I do hope the first batch is big enough to at least clear up the current waiting lists. I'm on the G66 one.
Speaking of blue, there are few pictures of MFC-101 prototype with blue display,
Cliff said that it'll not go into production, only yellow will.
But imo the blue one was kiiileeeer. :D
maybe the MFC will come shipped with a pair of these:
Muris_Varajic said:
Speaking of blue, there are few pictures of MFC-101 prototype with blue display,
Cliff said that it'll not go into production, only yellow will.
But imo the blue one was kiiileeeer. :D

+1 ;)
LOL tgunn... but wouldn't it be an even darker green if you used those ...?

BLUE LED's.... BLUE LED's... BLUE LED's...... BLUE Display.... BLUE Display....BLUE Display...

(attempt at subliminal persuasion...)
Muris_Varajic said:
Speaking of blue, there are few pictures of MFC-101 prototype with blue display,
Cliff said that it'll not go into production, only yellow will.
But imo the blue one was kiiileeeer. :D

pics where ? ohh and i guess my CGP will be going up for sale on july any takers ???? lol !!! :D
I'm not trying to hate on all you "Blue LED" guys... but.. I must ask. Have you ever fiddled with a piece of gear with blue LEDs on it. In my experience, they're so damm bright, it shuts your eyes down and you can't actually read whats on a display, if there is one. If there is a screenprint label for the LED describing it's function, you'll never be able to read it because the LED is so bright. I work in the broadcast industry and when the blues came out, all the manufacturers used them because they looked so cool. They suck. For that application. They were so bright you couldnt read the display on the unit.. anyway, enough bitching.

I did see some frosted blue LEDs the other day. Those looked great. I hope, if the MFC-101 has blue LEDs, that they are the frosted type. Just how I like my flakes..... frosted.
Muris_Varajic said:
[quote="Shreddy Better":uu0z5zj3]They told me it was going to be $599.00
sooo MFC 101 late June, yellow display (like the rack unit) and $599.00 :D :D

Who told you that and when?[/quote:uu0z5zj3]

I don't know when or where "Shreddy Better" heard about that price. I've seen that price in other peoples posts too.

I believe it started directly from Fractal, but it was from a post about 2 years ago. A lot can change in that amount of time. I guess we'll find out next weekend....
HighPassGuy said:
I'm not trying to hate on all you "Blue LED" guys... but.. I must ask. Have you ever fiddled with a piece of gear with blue LEDs on it. In my experience, they're so damm bright, it shuts your eyes down and you can't actually read whats on a display, if there is one. If there is a screenprint label for the LED describing it's function, you'll never be able to read it because the LED is so bright. I work in the broadcast industry and when the blues came out, all the manufacturers used them because they looked so cool. They suck. For that application. They were so bright you couldnt read the display on the unit.. anyway, enough bitching.

I did see some frosted blue LEDs the other day. Those looked great. I hope, if the MFC-101 has blue LEDs, that they are the frosted type. Just how I like my flakes..... frosted.

I was actually talking about blue display and not LEDs.
AFAIK there were no blue LEDs on MFC-101 prototype, only yellow, red and green.
OldNo.7 said:
I don't know when or where "Shreddy Better" heard about that price. I've seen that price in other peoples posts too.

I believe it started directly from Fractal, but it was from a post about 2 years ago. A lot can change in that amount of time. I guess we'll find out next weekend....

Yeah I know that,
I thought he has got some newer info from somebody at Fractal Audio.
Dollar is up, Euro is down, price might not be as predicted.
Yes, I have worked with the Blue LED's... STILL love 'em... it's like everything else... it's all personal taste... some people LOVE it... some not... but most of the people I know are in the love category.
As far as the Blue Display, My Lake Butler RFC-1 MIDI Mitigator has a BLUE Display... I've been using it since the mid 80's and always LOVED it !!
Worked in the Studio Recording Industry, and now in TV Post Production... many pieces of gear with blue LED's AND Blue displays... I'm one of those that LOVES the Blue, and HATES the Green...... just my preference...
flyingfadr said:
Yes, I have worked with the Blue LED's... STILL love 'em... it's like everything else... it's all personal taste... some people LOVE it... some not... but most of the people I know are in the love category.
As far as the Blue Display, My Lake Butler RFC-1 MIDI Mitigator has a BLUE Display... I've been using it since the mid 80's and always LOVED it !!
Worked in the Studio Recording Industry, and now in TV Post Production... many pieces of gear with blue LED's AND Blue displays... I'm one of those that LOVES the Blue, and HATES the Green...... just my preference...

Tell that to Cliff and I'll buy you apple pie!!!!!! :D
LOL... thanks for the offer... I hope Cliff reads this... he has been great listening to most ideas...
If the Blue display would be an option at additional cost, I would do it !!
I'm not too fussy about the LED's, but regarding the screens, remember, it was mentioned by Cliff in earlier threads, the blue screens are less visible in direct sunlight than the green ones, and also the green ones are military grade and last forever. The blue ones are less reliable. I'd take reliability over looks any day :D
From Sales when I put myself on the MFC-101 waiting list quote:

"Confirmed. Price is still TBD but I think they were saying $599." :mrgreen:
craiguitar said:
I'm not too fussy about the LED's, but regarding the screens, remember, it was mentioned by Cliff in earlier threads, the blue screens are less visible in direct sunlight than the green ones, and also the green ones are military grade and last forever. The blue ones are less reliable. I'd take reliability over looks any day :D

Yes but there are also many AllAccess users having no problems with blue displays. :)
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