MFC-101 to Control Korg A3

Total noob question here:

So, I just got a Korg A3, which is the only rack unit I have other than my Axe Fx. I run the A3 though an FX loop in the Axe.

Is there a way to send commands from my MFC-101 to the Korg A3?
Is it possible to have a change in Axe presets, also trigger a different scene on the Korg A3? For example, if present 1 on my Axe uses the Korg present 50, and preset 2 on my Axe uses the Korg preset 29, is there a way to have both change in one switch?

I have used the MIDI out/through from the Axe into Korg A3, which works fine with the MFC. I just set the Axe preset to be the same number as the desired A3 preset, but--regarding your second question--I believe you could set the two devices to different MIDI channels and thereby use different preset numbers. Perhaps someone else could confirm/refute that statement.
I have used the MIDI out/through from the Axe into Korg A3, which works fine with the MFC. I just set the Axe preset to be the same number as the desired A3 preset,.

Interesting, so if my MFC-101 is hooked up to my AxeFx using a FAS cable, I would then plug a MIDI cable into my MIDI OUT on the AxeFx rack unit itself, and the MIDI IN on the A3? If I keep my preset numbers the same, should it automatically adjust the two in sync?
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