MFC 101 and Mesa Boogie JP2C


I am planning on buying the MFC 101 for my AXE FX, and I would like to know if the foot controller can be well integrated with a Mesa JP2C( trying to get one sometime in the end of the year). I think I read somewhere that the use of " scenes" is not possible with the JP2C but not sure if the information is correct. I only plan on using the controller to switch amp channels and assign them to specific presets, I think that should be simple enough.

Thank you,
Not sure about the MFC-101. (Sorry I know it's not the answer you were looking for)
But I did do scenes with a FX8 for two people.
One had a JP-2C and the other a Recto (with a switcher)
Getting those heads to switch using scenes was no problem

Reviewing the manual a bit.
It can be done in one way, the problem is there are limitations.

Some of the limitations would be loosening Axe Fx mode. (Would have to use general midi)
So you loose the ability to see the tuner on the MFC.
Also the IA switches would have to be programmed per preset.
In Axe Fx mode the MFC just reflects the on/off states it sees on the Axe Fx itself. (This was a major reason I got the MFC for myself when they first came out)

Scenes can be problematic also with using general midi since you only have on one scene at a time and want the board lights to reflect this. However switches can be linked. But there would be limitations on what combinations you can use on the Boogie, and you be locked into them.

Scene 1 channal 1
Scene 2 channel 2
Scene 3 channal 2 + EQ 1
Scene 4 blah blah
Scene 5 blah blah blah
That would be it across all presets.

Bottom line lots of programming on the MFC and some trial and error and limitations.
I can also be wrong on some of this stuff since I am not currentally home to experiment on my own gear.

Like I said with the he FX 8 channal switching on your JP-2C would be no problem (with all combinations a available) but it was designed for this. But there again although the effects are the same as the Axe Fx there are more routing combinations available with the Axe Fx.

i can switch my triaxis in normal axe fx mode mode so im pretty sure it will work with the JP... im doing it in scene mode... not sure if you could assign an an instant access switch as easily ( im running the Ultra and have a midi cable between the mfc and the Ultra )
I'm trying to use my Axe II in 4CM with my JP2C and a MFC. Can I connect the MFC and Axe with an Ethernet cable, and connect the Axe to the JP2C through MIDI? Will this work?
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