MFC 101 - 101 newbie problems :) please help


Hi guys, a lot of dumb questions about setting up my new MFC - 101.
My gear is now Axe FX Ultra controlled by MFC-101 and two Mission EP-1 pedals (one of them springloaded)
MFC mk3 replaced GC Pro and rest of I use for years.
First question is Looper mode.
When I got MFC holding reveal button entered looper mode and it was written on display but somewhere along the way it got lost.
I followed Youtube tutorials on initial setup when I got MFC and I believe that I got it all correct.
I programmed it to recall presets I want, programmed IAs the way I want them, nothing unusual. Besides that I set BANK STYLE to NONE and I beleive that's all.
What happened with my looper mode? :)
Second problem I have is with springloaded EP-1 which I use to control wah. I have the pedal for couple of years and when I got it I programmed it with GC Pro and never had a problem.
When I got MFC I had to do utility reset on Ultra because everything was programmed differently or should I say wrong altough it worked.
So again with tutorials from youtube i setted up my EP-1 pedals regular for volume block, calibrated and works flawlesly.
Springloaded (external 2) started acting weird.. It sends random message even with my feet completely off, turning on wah randomly. Stage vibration could be reason but it never happened before so today I try to set it up from begining again.
Here is what I noticed.
when I remove foot from pedal it keeps sending message forcing wah to create random wah sounds for couple more seconds.
Thats with foot off the pedal.
Trying to calibrate pedal through MFC 101 I noticed the same thing, in minumum position (foot off the pedal) it sends message to MFC that reads like extremely fast random value change from 0 to 30 for couple, even 10 seconds...With foot on the pedal but without engaging effect, still in minumum position it acts like I describe above but I wouldnt stop until I remove foot completely, and than again it does the same thing for some time and stops.
Really weird...
Please any help on both subjects would be great.
Not sure about the looper. I think(cant remember exactly) the looper on the Ultra was a delay block feature and in the newer axe fx II it has it's own block. this may cause a problem, I do not know. The mfc mkIII came out after the ultra. I am not a big fan of switching to looper mode any ways, I set a couple of IA switches to the required CC# for rec, and play.

as for the spring loaded pedal, Have you tried the other pedal plugged in to that port with that cable to narrow down were the trouble is originating?
Hi, thanks for reply.
Looks like You are right Looper mode is only available in Axe FX II.
So if there is anybody who can help me to program IAs to control looper please help
And for pedals, I checked exactly like You suggested and other pedal without spring works properly with any cable I have.
Ok looks like you might have trouble with your spring loaded pedal!?

For the looper I don't have the ultra any more and don't remember if there were modifiers in the delay block for looper control or CC# for midi control. look in the I/O menu under midi, or control(cant remember) and see if there is a listing of the looper rec and play in the midi CC# list. if not in the delay block there should be modifier symbols under these control that are like {}, this means you can attach a modifier to those controls and then control the modifier with the mfc.

you may want to study the manuals a bit, they are a lot of help.
You are right about manuals unfortunately my schedule is so busy I never had time to read them properly.
Thanks for reply.
What can be wrong with springloaded pedal?
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