Metal Tones: CAE 3+ Lead Clips (Iced Earth)

Just a tipp: I made the patch with FW 7.18, so if you're on 8.x, you have to push the drive block's DRIVE from 0.0 to 5.0.
RiF, May I please have the patch used for the recto clip? That Recto clip has a awesome tone!! Good work on these patches!
Its funny to read what they are saying at H C because most of them have tube amps in there equipment list and they love the tone... you know if they knew it was a axe fx it would be a whole other story.. GOOD JOB:)
I've got a JVM and a Diezel VH4.

I much prefer my JVM to the Diezel if that says anything about the amp. ;)

Plus, I'm messaging people who seem to be super into the amp just to clear it up.

I'm finishing up a final cover of a song, once I post it and see the replies, I'll reveal the Snax-FX
HOLY CRAP!!!! This is so funny. I believe I commented on the clip over at HCAF. Your secret is safe with me!
Sadistic Magician said:
I've got a JVM and a Diezel VH4.

I much prefer my JVM to the Diezel if that says anything about the amp. ;)

Plus, I'm messaging people who seem to be super into the amp just to clear it up.

I'm finishing up a final cover of a song, once I post it and see the replies, I'll reveal the Snax-FX

I just sold my JVM410head, it's the best amp i've ever owned and i've had many many very expensive amps, only sold it because i'm not playing live much anymore but it was still hard to part with.
But the Axe covers the tones i want for recording, but man did the marshall feel great under the fingers mmm.
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