Mesa Triple Rectifier Axe Fx Concerns


This is my signal chain for my 4CM:

*Mesa's FX Loop is on "Bypass Loop"*
Guitar--> AxeFx--> AxeFx Output2--> Mesa Return-->
Mesa Send--> AxeFx Input2--> Output1--> Mesa Front Input

I'm trying to use my amp's channels and the Axe Fx's effects before and after the Mesa Preamp.

I've gotten all the effects in the Axe Fx working, but I've noticed I get noise coming through whenever I switch to my gain channels. My clean channel sounds wonderful and I don't get the noise, also whenever I switch channels I get a popping sound too.

The Noise gate on the Axe Fx does nothing to help and I figured it might be because I turned the Mesa's FX loop to bypass, but when I turn the FX loop on I don't get any sound only when I pick really hard

Any ideas as to what I may have done wrong? Or is there something I can purchase to fix that?

Any replies would be great and thanks in advance!
You want:
guitar>AxeFx front "Instrument" (input1)
AxeFx output2>Mesa instrument input jack
Mesa send> AxeFx input2
AxeFx output1> Mesa return

You also need to put the "Effects Loop" block in the signal chain, the "chain" being the string of effects blocks you place on the grid. Put it between the effects you want to hit the front of the Mesa and the effects you want to be in the Mesa's loop the Mesa's preamp stage before the power amp stage.
Stuff like Wah pedal, phasers, flanger, drives, filters, etc. usually go before the Effects Loop block and things like delays, reverbs, chorus, etc go after the effects loop block.

I don't know what a "bypass loop" setting is on the Mesa that you mentioned but you want the loop to be active and you'll have to experiment with setting the AxeFx inputs and outputs as well as any effects loop level the Mesa might have. the idea is to set the levels so that the red led's on the AxeFx barely blink when you are hittting the strings the hardest that you play. Then you want to set the inputs and outputs so that when you hit the Bypass button on the front of the AxeFx the volume is niether louder nor quieter...that is unity gain.

Don't put the Effects Loop block at the end of a row or it will connect to the output of the grid and send it's signal to output 1 as well as output 2 and you don't want that for your needs. The Effects Loop block, no matter where it is in the chain, sends everything that is in front of it to output2...unless it is connected to the end of the grid. everything after it goes to output1. The Effects Loop block is both the Send and Return point for external routing, it sends everything that flows into it from the left to output2 and anything that you return to input2 is in the signal as it flows downstream to the right from that point.

In the AxeFx blocks you will see "Return" and "Send" blocks. these are not external returns and sends, they are a means to 'send' the signal chain from one row to another. You start making a chain and before you hit the last block in the grid you can put a send and then go to the beginning of another row and put a return...that way you have more room to make the chain longer than the grid allows. That isn't the only reason you can use them but for now go with that.
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