Mesa Boogie Mark IV / IIC+ tones

No worries at all. I look forward to trying your patch again after you get the chance to repost it.
That doesn't sound like the real amp sounds to me.
You're getting condenser mic compression from the camera.

If you want this effect, try a compressor after the cab... maybe even multiband for greater control.

Did you try the patch eljodon posted on page two of this thread, and if so, were you successful loading and using it? Just seeing if it was my system that was wonky.


Did you try the patch eljodon posted on page two of this thread, and if so, were you successful loading and using it? Just seeing if it was my system that was wonky.


I'll try to post it tomorrow. I was busy installing a new interface in my studio and it took longer ham planned.
No problem. After I'd read the response from m@, I thought he might have used your previously posted patch, and if it did work for him, perhaps it was a problem on my end. I'll make sure to look for your re-post tomorrow (or in the near future, in case life gets in the way). ;)


No problem. After I'd read the response from m@, I thought he might have used your previously posted patch, and if it did work for him, perhaps it was a problem on my end. I'll make sure to look for your re-post tomorrow (or in the near future, in case life gets in the way). ;)



Hey now that Fractal releases the new software to back up I can just do it with that! I'm not that good with PC anyway.
Here's my patch, I used Fractal Bot. I'm using a new Matrix GT1000Fx now so it might need to be tweaked. Anytime I download someone's preset it rarely works because either they use FRFR or their gear is totally different than mine. I use a mixer to blend my time FX. I also noticed that with the Matrix the Multicomp works differently and the settings are ineffective. I have to play around with it. I get more bass with out it with the Matrix and with the Mesa Boogie I get more bass. I just use it to tighten up the bass a bit by using the low frq. and shutting off the rest. I hope it works for you.
did you try this with the matrix and real cabs with this or is this an FRFR patch?
I run a matris as well so I'm very interested in checking this patch out
ok downloaded it
wow LOL! pm me you email I'll send you a mark Iv patch I use thru my Matrix that is way simpler than this
did you try this with the matrix and real cabs with this or is this an FRFR patch?
I run a matris as well so I'm very interested in checking this patch out

I used Marshall cabs with various different Scumback speakers in it. I'm sure you'll need tweaking if you use FRFR.
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