Megadeth - Rust In Peace Album Guitar Tone & EQ Matched IR

The Soundshell


This Ben/aka/Soundshell777

I was an Ultra user for over a year, and had an entire bank completely setup the way I wanted.

Like others, I went with the Axe 2 for the extra features, and am currently being driven mad trying to transfer over about 400+ presets I had spent an entire year dialing in.
If You are an Ultra user, maybe scouring the forums, here is a link to the bank, where you can download the 400+ presets for the Ultra from a Dropbox account I created.
( Anybody remember the band Dropbox?)
There are also some presets from Yek, Scott Peterson, and other Forum Gods who were generous enough to bestow us mortals with their wisdom.
Also included are the Cab IR's from this thread, in case anyone can't find them anymore.

Here are the link for the .zip folders. Please let me know if these do not work for you, and I will try and fix the links. Cab Axe FX Ultra V.11 Presets

My first preset on the Ultra that I created was a Megadeth Rust In Peace Album Guitar Tone
You can find the Ultra patch Here in this Thread>

With a video response by Dave playing some Megadeth with the patch I created for Ultra.
Megadeth "Rust In Peace" guitar riffs played through Axe-Fx - YouTube

In Honor of my first Ultra preset, Here is an AXE2 preset of
Megadeth - Rust In Peace - Album Guitar Tone & EQ Matched IR.

Here is a Soundcloud audio reference.

Megadeth Axe 2 IR EQ Match MP3 by Soundshell777 on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

I matched the EQ of the album guitar tone from the audio in this YouTube video, using a free program called Audio Hijack Pro
Rogue Amoeba | Audio Hijack Pro: Record Any Audio On Mac OS X

And, here is a YouTube video showing you how get the audio from a website using the program
How to use Audio Hijack Pro for the Mac - YouTube

I used these YouTube videos from these Channels to get the Audio I matched.
Megadeth - Holy Wars... The Punishment Due - guitars track - YouTube
Take No Prisoners Guitar Only (HD) - YouTube

I then used this YouTube video from ClarkKent ( Who IMOP is THE MAN on the ULTRA for matching tones)
Dollar Sound Secrets: Guitar Tone Match EQ and IR - YouTube

And this video from Shotgunn
EQ Matched IR Capture Tutorial - YouTube
This is the Thread from Shotgunn

I DID HAVE TO BUY THE LATEST VERSION OF ISOTOPE OZONE, to match the EQ, and it was worth it.
iZotope Ozone 5 Complete Mastering Suite | Musician's Friend

I used Voxengo Deconvolver to make the EQ matched IR. This is a free Program which you can download here>
Impulse response deconvolution tool software - Voxengo Deconvolver - Voxengo

***** Voxengo Deconvolver is a Windows Program , and I am on a MAC.
However, I used a program called WinOnX, which is only 5$, and allows you run SOME, NOT ALL, Windows applications on your Mac.
Here is the Download.
Mac App Store - WinOnX

I used AXE-O-Matic, to convert the file I EQ Matched in Isotope Ozone, and bounced as a .Wav file, and imported into Voxengo Deconvolver, to create My EQMatched IR.

Here is the link to Axomatic, which is FREE > - Axe-O-Matic

Note* As Of 3/24/12 @ 1:07pm
Since I have reached my Upload Limit, and people keep having problems with the Megadeth IR I made;
This is the Dropbox File for: Rust In Peace Presets and Cabinet

The Equalizer Matched Impulse Response, which you will Import/attach as the cabinet In your Axe Mange User Cab bank.

The First Preset has the Drive Block Enabled, and the Cab IR has Microphones Enabled as well
The Second Preset has the Drive Block Disabled, and uses no Microphones.
The Megadeth Cab is used in Stereo on both presets.
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I know I am probably gonna get hammered for this on an internet forum, but here it goes;

I have been rendered well aware, that both Dave Mustaine, and Marty Friedman, both used Bogner Triple Giant, or Fish heads, which were a specially made high end boutique style high gain type amplifier only made for a few years, and are heard to find.

I heard they used Marshall Celestion 4X12 V30's with 67, and 421 mics about 2'14-3 inches apart and mixed the sound for each guitar with a blend of the on the cone, on, and off axis mics. I am unsure of the exact configuration.

They both used Jackson Guitars, and DiMarzio or EMG Pickups although I am unsure of which models they were using. I have heard that Marty was still suing his Carvin signature model for most of this recording with stock Carvin pickups, and his Jackson model didn't come until the recording was almost done.

I tried to replicate this as much as possible.

I don't have a Jackson ( but it doesn't mean I dont want a King V, or a Kelly , both with a Floyd Rose)

This is what I used:
Some info:
Guitar: Ibanez Joe Satriani1000(white) - Volume and tone all the way up with the toggle on the treble position, no knobs pulled.
Axe FX 2 Direct
Presonus Firepod
Cubase 6.5
Double tracked and panned left and right.
Using Mackie 624 MKII Near Field Studio Monitors.

The First Preset has the Drive Block Enabled, and the Cab IR has Microphones Enabled as well
The Second Preset has the Drive Block Disabled, and uses no Microphones.
The Megadeth Cab is used in Stereo on both presets.


  • MegadethRustInPeace.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 156
  • MegadethRustInPeace(2).syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 147
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Here is the step by step:
You need to have these Programs working in order to do this:
You will need a DAW such as Cubase, Pro Tools, Nuendo, Digital Performer, Logic, etc, etc.......
1:Transfer your Ultra Patch parameter by parameter in the latest version of Axe Edit on your Axe 2 > Fractal Audio Systems Support
2:Buy Isotope Ozone > iZotope Ozone 5 Complete Mastering Suite | Musician's Friend
3:Buy WinOnX > Mac App Store - WinOnX
4: Download Audio Hijack Pro > Rogue Amoeba | Audio Hijack Pro: Record Any Audio On Mac OS X
A)And, how to use it: How to use Audio Hijack Pro for the Mac - YouTube
5: Download Voxengo Deconvolver > Impulse response deconvolution tool software - Voxengo Deconvolver - Voxengo
6: Download Axeomatic > - Axe-O-Matic
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Here are the Step By Step Instructions I used to create this IR ( Impulse Response )
1: Open your DAW
2: Spend months or years Transferring or Creating A Preset/Patch in your AXE FX which you think sounds close to the tone your looking for.
3: Find an Isolated Track, bass or guitar. I found mine on YouTube. Megadeth - Holy Wars... The Punishment Due - guitars track - YouTube
4: Watch This Video from YouTube . How to use Audio Hijack Pro for the Mac - YouTube
5: Use The Audio Hijack Pro to capture the Isolated track you want to try and match your tone to.
6: Save the audio you captured to your desktop.
7: Import The Audio On Mono Track #2
8: Turn off Your Cabinet Block in your Axe Edit. It should sounds like shit.
9: Press Record, and Play the EXACT SAME THING on track #1 while the original track is playing back on Track #2.
10: Find a spot where you are as close as possible to the original isolated track.
11: Select this spot on both tracks.
12: Separate this selected spot.
13: Delete all the other Audio.
14: Move both selected spots to the beginning of your Project.
15: Move the second Track, which is the original isolated track you stole from the internet, from Track#2, and put it next to Track #1, leaving a space large enough to have some silence in between them. This way you can tell which one is which.
16: Open Isotope Ozone as a Plugin insert on Track #1.
17: The Preset manager Opens automatically every time you launch this Plug-in. Do Not Select ANYTHING, and close it.
18: Make Sure you press Bypass.
19: Press Snapshots
20: Press Options, which right next to Bypass
21: Find The EQ Tab
22: Under Equalizer, Click in the box next to Freq.res.: until it says 3 Hz.
23: This will also change The Filter Size directly underneath where you are clicking. It should read 16383 samples
24: Click in the Box directly below this Next to the words Buffer size: until it reads 8192. This should be the highest you can go
25: Do Not Worry about anything else, and click ok. Note:
26: Click the Snapshots tab
27: Set The Snapshot Time to Infinite.
28: Click Start Capture
29: In Your DAW, playback ONLY the Isolated track you stole from the internet. I prefer to loop this a couple of times just to make sure. You should see it start to form a line on the graph.
30: Click Stop capture while the track isolated track is still playing.
31: Stop playing the Isolated track in your DAW
32: Name it Actual Track
33: Play the Track you made of yourself trying to play the exact same thing in your DAW.
34: Click Start Capture. Remember to let it loop a few times, just make sure it's working. You Should see a different line of a different color on the graph now.
35: With the track of your playing still going, click stop capture.
36: Stop playing the track of you playing in your DAW.
37: Name it My Track
38:It does not Matter If you do this in Analog, or Digital in EQ Mode. I personally Think Analog is warmer, but leaves a darker bassier muddy sound, and Digital is bit Brighter, and sounds like it was recorded Direct, or Re-amped, and is a bit plastic, but over a clearer sound. However, you may not notice a difference.
39: Take Isostope ozone out of Bypass mode
40: Select The Matching Tab
41: Select Matching in The EQ Mode
42: Select Match From on MY Track
43: Select Apply To on Actual Track
44: I know this sounds backwards, just do it, trust me.
44: Put The amount all the way up.
45: Put The Smooth all the way down.
46: You should see a big Red Line. This is the visual of the EQ Curve being matched from your shitty sounding tone, to the original isolated track.
47: Move the Isolated Track back down to track #2, taking it off the track with the Isotope Ozone Plug-in inserted.
48: Listen back in your Daw, to your take of you playing along with the original isolated track, and then the original Isolated track , back to back.
49: It SHOULD Sound different, and Pretty damn close compared to the Isolated track. If it doesn't, you need to research what what used by the guitar or bass player, and try to match the amp, setting, guitar or bass, cabinet, and general overall entire rig as close as possible, and try these steps again. This is probably going to suck a few times. You might hate me for following so many steps and getting pure shit, but, Keep trying, things will get better.
50: If you like the sound of your tone playing along with the original isolated track, bounce it out of your DAW as a .Wave File to your desktop, and name it My New Tone.
51: Open Voxengo Deconvolver, use it in WinOnX if you are on a Mac, and under Test Tone File, find and select My New Tone.Wav
52: While IN Voxengo Deconvolver, near the bottom of the program, Input the setting/click these boxes.
- Output Bit Depth - Set This to whatever your project is set to, 16, 24, 32 floating bit, whatever your project is set to, so it matches.
- Select Ignore Already processed Files
- Select MP Transform ( Minimum Phase)
- Select Normalize to -.03 dBFS
- Select Low Cut Hz, and set it to 55
- Select High Cut Hz, and set it to 10500
- ON The Cut slope, set it to the -60dB/o setting.
- These settings will keep your IR from becoming so quiet you will be unable to hear it. You will wind up up turning them up so loud you might blow the speakers you are using, or damage your hearing, or Axe FX.
- Also, when the test tone is sweeping it will be very loud in the bass region, and extremely loud and create quite a spike graphically in the treble region when being played back. These settings will help to keep your frequencies in a general location and not lip your Isostope ozone application , Out put in your DAW, or speakers. ( However, I have personally found that I was unable to avoid clipping in the Bass region, and Ignored it, without any negative consequences in the end . Just be mindful of this! )
53: Select Test Tone Generator, and select the settings to match them to your Projects Bit Depth and Sample Rating. Select Mono in the Channels Menu. Under the Duration Menu, make sure you type in how long the My New Tone .wav file is. This needs to be the exact same length.
54: Click Generate
55: Under File Name, name it My New Tone and keep the Sweep ( project rates ).wav in the file name.
56: Under Files of Type, choose WAV files (*.wav)
57: Save it your Desktop
58: Open Your DAW and Insert the My New Tone Sweep (project rates) .wav file on Track #1, which is the track containing your playing, which has been changed by the Isotope Ozone Plug-in insert.
59: Select the Sweep.wav File You Just Inserted, and reduce the Gain about 20dB. Its is FAR TOO LOUD WHEN INITIALLY INSERTED AND WILL CLIP YOUR DAW, SPEAKERS AND Isotope Ozone Plug-in. ( I like to select just a little more before and after the Sweep.wav file I just Inserted. I find sometimes it help to keep the Bass and Treble regions from clipping)
60: Select Double the length of the Sweep.wav file. For example if you original Sweep.wav file is 10 seconds, ( which is plenty of time ) you would select double the length. In this case 20 seconds would be selected.
61: With Isotope Ozone , and your DAW Open, play back the Entire Sweep.wav file, including the silence.
62: Select the Sweep.wav file including the Silence, with the reduced gain after it has played back with your DAW, and Isotope Ozone Plug-in open.
63: Bounce the Sweep.wav file including the Silence, with the reduced gain to your desktop.
64: Open Voxengo Deconvulver with WinOnX.
65: Under Test Tone File, you should have the original file called My New Tone.wav from your desktop.
66: Under File Folder, you should select the Sweep.wav file you just bounced to your desktop.
67: In Voxengo Deconvolver, near the bottom, select Process.
68: On Your Desktop, there should be a file Named Sweep DC.wav
69: Note The DC added to the file name. This Will become your EQ Matched IR.
70: Open Axe-o-matic.
71: Click The Convert Files Tab
72: In the Input File Type, select .wav
73: In the Output File Type, select Axe 2, or the version of the Axe FX you are using.
( * Note: Axe I Stands for the Axe Standard, and the Axe Ultra. Axe II is for the Axe 2. I have NOT BEEN ABLE TO CONVERT AN AXE STANDARD OR ULTRA PATCH TO AN AXE 2 PATCH. THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE. THIS NOT FOR PATCHES, BUT IR'S ONLY )
74: Select Normalize data
75: Select High Precision
76: Select The Sweep DC.wav file, make sure it is the file with DC in the name from your desktop. This will become your IR.
77: Select Open File and Convert Input to Output
78: Select Save As and name Your IR
79: Save it your Desktop
80: Enter A Name For Your IR
81: Find the newly created file on your Desktop, that reads the name of your Sweep DC.wav file, and at the end says DC.SYX, not DC.wav
82: Name This File. This Is Your EQ Matched IR ( Impulse Response )
83: Open Axe Edit
84: Select Axe Manage
85: Select User Cabs
86: Click on an empty bank slot, and right click.
87: Select Import Cab
88: Select the Sweep DC.SYX file from your Desktop
89: This File should appear in the empty bank slot. Right click on this file, and select Send To Axe FX
90: Select Selected Cabs
91: In the main screen of Axe Edit Enable your Cab Block.
92: In The Cabinet tab, select User Cabs, and select and the DC.SYX file you just imported and sent to your Axe FX
93: This should be your Patch/Preset, with your New EQ Matched IR that you created from scratch
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* Note

When transferring My patches from the Ultra, I have noticed a couple of things.

Before doing any of these,
The levels of blocks are completely messed up. Adjust them accordingly before proceeding.

1: The Amp and the cab might need to change, but I keep the settings generally the same.
2: If I click Saturate in the basic tab on the Amp, I might not need a Drive Pedal.
3: In the Speaker tab, after I've entered my matched settings from my Ultra patch/preset, adjust the Xformer Low and Hi Freq like you would a Parametric EQ
4: In The EQ Tab, go wild, instead of using a Graphic EQ Block. You are only missing the Extremely Low and Hi Frequencies.
5: In The Dynamics tab, Adjust the XFormer Match value, which I've found to add a wet or dry mix to my Patch/Preset.
6: Lastly try Separately adjusting the XFormer Drive in the Dynamics tab, the Power Tube Bias in the Power tab, or the Tone Freq in the Tone tab.

I hope this helps

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wow, thanks for all the time, effort, and sharing the patches.
The IR you uploaded doesn't seem to be working.

I am taken to a patch that says, "errors" when I attempt to locate the aforementioned IR's

I edit the posting and all of the Dropbox Files I had collected from my Ultra, and linked a Thread to on this Axe 2 Forum should be working now.
I am terribly sorry for inconvenience.
Please let me know if you have any more problems.
-You can also email me directly, and I can try to send you the links.

wow, thanks for all the time, effort, and sharing the patches.
The IR you uploaded doesn't seem to be working.

It's no problem. Thats what this Forum is for. I am humbled to be a part of it most days.
I re-exported the IR, Re-uploaded it to the Forum, downloaded it myself, and even tried it in my own Axe Edit in Axe Manage, and it seems to be working fine for me.
If you, or anyone else has any problems with it , as always you can email me directly and Ill send each individual all the Axe2 Megadeth files I have.
Hope this helps, enjoy

It's no problem. Thats what this Forum is for. I am humbled to be a part of it most days.
I re-exported the IR, Re-uploaded it to the Forum, downloaded it myself, and even tried it in my own Axe Edit in Axe Manage, and it seems to be working fine for me.
If you, or anyone else has any problems with it , as always you can email me directly and Ill send each individual all the Axe2 Megadeth files I have.
Hope this helps, enjoy

Axe-Fx II IR's are 11 kb, the IR you have uploaded is 7 kb. When I view my cabs folder in axe-manage, the IR does not show up due to axe-edits config is set to II. Are you uploading an Ultra IR?
Axe-Fx II IR's are 11 kb, the IR you have uploaded is 7 kb. When I view my cabs folder in axe-manage, the IR does not show up due to axe-edits config is set to II. Are you uploading an Ultra IR?

my Axe manage does not see your IR either.

Tried to fix this:
Sorry I am having so much trouble, but I exceeded my upload limit when I had my Ultra

This should be everything you need - Both Presets, and The IR

Note* As Of 3/24/12 @ 1:07pm
Since I have reached my Upload Limit, and people keep having problems with the Megadeth IR I made;
This is the Dropbox File for: Rust In Peace Presets and Cabinet

The Equalizer Matched Impulse Response, which you will Import/attach as the cabinet In your Axe Mange User Cab bank.

The First Preset has the Drive Block Enabled, and the Cab IR has Microphones Enabled as well
The Second Preset has the Drive Block Disabled, and uses no Microphones.
The Megadeth Cab is used in Stereo on both presets.
NO Problem at all
Sorry about all the download issues
Is this working better fir everyone?
What do you all think of my tone-matching attempt?
I'd love the criticism ( I know ill regret this
Here are the link for the .zip folders. Please let me know if these do not work for you, and I will try and fix the links. Cab Axe FX Ultra V.11 Presets

My first preset on the Ultra that I created was a Megadeth Rust In Peace Album Guitar Tone
You can find the Ultra patch Here in this Thread>

I think these are all ultra presets and not axe 2

You are correct, and it is stated as so in the original posting.
They also say they are Ultra Presets in the filename

I was simply stating that you could find them here, and relate how I went about changin the Ultra preset to an Axe 2 preset

I apologize for any misunderstanding

Towards the end of this thread on Page 2, there is a drop box link, as well as in the original posting where you can download the Axe2 Presets, and IR


Thank you for this post. I watched all the instructional videos and tried to match a few ir's. I followed your intructions but at the end, when it comes to convert the .wav file to an axe fx .syx Axe-o-Matic gives me an error saying "Input file not recognized as .wav". I thought my file was broken but when i load the ir into Logic's Space Designer it totally works with my recorded guitar track. :roll
I also checked all project values twice: sample rate, mono through the entire process, bit rate, etc.

I'm on OSX 10.6.8 using Logic 9.1.6. I'm running Voxengo through WinonX like you.
Any ideas to solve that problem?
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