Massive Poll: Which amps do you use?

I play mostly metal:

6505, 6505+ (less gain than the 6505 or is it just me?), Rectos (1 and 2 alike, they both have their uses), Mark IV, Energyball

For most of the above I use the V30 cab (no idea what it is but sounds great)

As for the Energyball, I heard that it is based on a circuit schematic, so it's not MIMICed. I and many others have been asking for more ENGL amps for quite some time, but for now it is indispensable for metal rhythm.
I like to use it with the German Boutique Cab (which I think is an ENGL Cab, noone seems to know for certain).
Some people here using a very similar line up to me, some using a completely different set of amps; brilliant - a testament to the flexibility of this fine box!
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Vh4 Channel 3 for rhythm and leads for my live settings with my fryette 2:90:2
In the studio i like the 5153 with ownhammer creamback/v30 mix
Acoustic simulator patch by yek for clean stuff

I play death and trash metal only

I dont care about other amps :)
USA Clean 1 for clean
TX Star Lead for slightly broken up clean
USA Rhythm for crunch
USA Lead Brt+ for high gain

Still digging the JCM800 all the Bogners except Überschall (i hate it as much as i hate the Rectifiers :) ), and the Friedmans.
PS: The Mesa Subway Blues is AWESOME!
I honestly don't even know. I DL presets from the exchange and then tweak those until my ears like it.

The only preset I've ever created by myself from scrathc is a buttery Vibro-King for a little thicker of a super clean sound with no break-up. It's a work in progress lol.
I think Fractal offers more amps now than any person (well at least me) could digest in a lifetime.

What I would like to see is more stomp boxes and effects pedals.

Some really great boutique OD and effects builders out there these days .. would love to see more of their stuff in the AXE as well as some of the classic effects from days past.

One thing to tweak xyz block (or in some cases blocks) to try and sound like xyz effect -- another is to actually have the effect modeled in the Axe.
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Poparad, I added current amp block preset #'s. So far I made a few new presets SV Bass and Tube Pre.
Not sure how to dial the Tube Pre to improve acoustic instruments?


036 CA3+ Clean
052 Deluxe Verb (Fender Deluxe Reverb)
142 USA Clean 1 (Mark IV)
143 USA Clean 2 (Triaxis)


026 Brit JM45 (Marshall JTM 45)
046 Class A 30 TB (Vox AC-30 Top Boost)


041 Cameron CH2 (Cameron CCV-100)
043 Citrus RV5 (Orange Rockerverb)
059 Energyball (Engl Powerball)
071 FAS Modern II
077 Friedman HBE (Friedman HBE-100 Hairy Brown Eye)
079 Fryette D60 M (Fryette Deliverance 60)
134 Thordendal Vintage


149 USA Lead Bright + (Mesa Mark IV)


132 SV Bass (Ampeg SVT)

Acoustic instruments:

138 Tube Pre
I think Fractal offers more amps now than any person (well at least me) could digest in a lifetime.

What I would like to see is more stomp boxes and effects pedals.

Some really great boutique OD and effects builders out there these days .. would love to see more of their stuff in the AXE as well as some of the classic effects from days past.

One thing to tweak xyz block (or in some cases blocks) to try and sound like xyz effect -- another is to actually have the effect modeled in the Axe.

I agree and when you factor in the vast number of Cab IRs it really is more than I'll ever fully utilize or use but still cool to have at ones disposal.
I use a Diezel VH4 or a Mesa Mark V and the 4cm with a Switchblade so I can put the Axe wah before the amp preamp section and keep the other fx in the amp loop out to a Marshall 4x12 or a Dr. Z 2x12. Kind of Petrucci style. Thinking about an analog wah.
TBH, naming favorite amps doesn't mean much to me, when there's no explanation for the choices provided.
I've only had my Axe-FX II for just over two months, but so far the different iterations of my main presets have used these amp models:

Low Gain Presets:
USA Clean 1
Shiver Clean
Solo 100 Clean
Tube Pre

Mid Gain Presets:
Class A 30W
Plexi 100W Jumpered
Citrus RV50

High Gain Presets:
FAS Modern
FAS Modern II
FAS 6160
5153 Red
Das Metal
Solo 100 Lead

I'm still exploring my options though so it's changing everyday.
TBH, naming favorite amps doesn't mean much to me, when there's no explanation for the choices provided.

No explanation required, individual favorite amps in categories of Low, Mid, High gain, bass or acoustic.

Many of my high gain presets are based around the Jumpered Marshall 100W Plexi with a Blues Drive block and compression. Reading this thread gives me ideas of Amps to try for clean low gain presets.
O.K. Here's mine. Not much difference, really, from others.


Super Reverb
Shiva Cln.
Vox AC15
USA cln
(Warming up to TrpTk Cln..)

OD (Clean rolling into OD w/ volume knob):

59 Bassman
JTM 45
Mesa Mk IIc+
Suhr Badger 30


Orange RV50/Brit Brown paralleled
25th Annv. Silver
Bogner Red


Mesa Mk IV Ld.
Plexi 100 Jumped
JCM 800
Carolann OD2


1 patch: Tube Pre and SVT (smooth then drive)


What else: Tube Pre

I tend to set up my patches in 'channels'. ie: Bank 01=Fender, Bnk 02=Vox, Bnk03=Marshall, Bnk04=Mesa, Bnk05+Bogner, etc.

Just makes sense to me.

Sorry, don't do metal.
Not sure how to dial the Tube Pre to improve acoustic instruments?

I just use it as an easy tone and volume control. It tend to keep it neutral, and adjust per room I'm in if things sound too much or little with bass/mids/highs. For piezo acoustics, I like to blend an IR or an acoustic guitar body (I picked up a couple floating around here on the forums). For instruments that don't suffer from that piezo twang so much, I often do no IR. My upright bass is just Tube Pre with no IR, as is my Gypsy-style acoustic. My dreadnought acoustic, though, benefits immensely from an IR.
Thanks for the insight. I hadn't realized there was a Tube Pre amp block until
reading your list. At first I assumed the Tube 3 knob drive block was being referred to.
I use em all cause of OCD and a need to know what they all sound like haha but the main ones I couldn't do without: HBE, Double Verb, Cali Leggy, Splawn Nitrous, Quickrod, Powerball, Dual Rectos (Orange mode), Ruby Rocket and Wrecker models.
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