AFIII Man, I forgot I love dual amps (ADT)

I tried the Soldanos on Rhythm and High, and found it's really enjoyable to push the inputs on a pair and then put an OCD in front. It's brutal to my ears and I love it (quick clip below).

I've got these rigs, a pair of JCM800s, a bunch of Fenders in pairs for clean/edge-of breakup tones, and lots of Plexis doing things in pairs. I also enjoyed the match i=of the Carvin Legacy with the 6160. Lots of neat pairings. The other two-amp presets are of course clean/dirty gapless presets as I am no more advanced than this at the moment. But dual amps just sound great.

That sounds great - so meaty
I'm just exploring dual amp setups, but so far have been mixing amp types rather than pairing the same ones. Would you mind sharing your preset?
I'm more than happy to, but I utilize @York Audio cab packs a lot, so I will need to swap the IRs out for Factory replacements first.

The preset is the Solo 100 Rhythm on the left and the Solo 88 Rhythm on the right, dialed to complement each other, and a drive in front for when you "need that extra push, over the Cliff." Each amp block has its own cab block, and each cab block has 1 of the FR room IRs (Left on the Left amp, Right on the Right naturally) and then you just mute each rig while you dial in a good sound on the other. Hopefully when you turn em both on and pan em they play together nicely and that is usually the case unless the gain structures are too different.

And once you have both amps going, you will probably want to cut the overall preamp gain back about 25% on each and get all the crunch but with added clarity! I love it and this preset has become one of my favorites, I am constantly testing things out on it and the pair of JCM800s preset that I use all over my recordings these days.

I love my Axe so much.
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