MAC GUYS sound cards for g5 along with axe fx 2

Tex Axe

I am looking for a good sound card aside from the axe fx 2 to play back recorded sound
from my mac g5 through jbl monitors vs my eons on the axe fx 2…

So I can record and have playback from a separate sound card too jbl studio monitors.
I wish to multitrack into logic x or reaper and have that play back through another sound card
so I am looking for suggestions… Mac os x 10.8.5 axe fx 2 waiting on 12.4 to drop to upgrade

I have given up on motu 896hd I get pops and pings from anything off my 2010 mac
it works fine with my sons mac so I think I need a current sound card and figured Id ask the forum here
pulling my hair out just to record but pops and pings on playback.

Stand alone, rack mount, built in ? I am afraid to upgrade to Mavericks.
any mac experts here ??
I love my Apogee Duet.
I'm not very techie, thus I love simplicity, Duet fits the bill.
I use both an iMac and Macbook Pro and record into GB, again, simplicity.
I've had good luck with a Duet...all around. Plays nice with Apple.

Thanks I have motu 896hd and upgraded drivers for my machine and my sons machine
I see two different os which could cause conflict.. That said still tried this with just my mac
axe fx 2 and motu using firewire to usb2 adapter as motu is all firewire no usb ports on it…

This works fine on my sons Mac which still has firewire port but on my current mac it
just pops and pings and that Mac tower has all usb 2 ports.. no firewire too plug in or out of.
and motu 896 hd is firewire only.

I am on 10.8.5 trying to use logic x or reaper those programs see axe fx 2
they see motu they allow which plays back which but when I try to playback something I recorded
just now on fly or at all I get pops n pings.. Im thinking its the adapter which would be weakest link.
Rocketfish adapter to go from usb 2 into firewire into motu for playback.

Could be newer 2010 mac with 10.8.5 and the motu 896hd is out dated for that machine
or non compatible which is why it pops and pings and does not work.

I think the unit you mention here is firewire as well..
I feel real stupid buying logic x and it just popping and pinging on playback.

Zoom h4n works by damn..
If the Motu works fine on firewire, why not consider buying a firewire pci expansion card for the mac that doesn't have firewire? Very cheap solution to keep the hardware you already have.
But, I thought ALL Macs had firewire. Maybe I thought wrong.
If the Motu works fine on firewire, why not consider buying a firewire pci expansion card for the mac that doesn't have firewire? Very cheap solution to keep the hardware you already have.
But, I thought ALL Macs had firewire. Maybe I thought wrong.

Does the Mac have a Thunderbolt port ?? If so it'd be even better to get a Firewire to Thunderbolt adapter-cable from Apple - cheap solution and Firewire speed for I/O

Otherwise I'll echo the Apogee Duet (USB version) endorsement given earlier in this thread.
Does the Mac have a Thunderbolt port ?? If so it'd be even better to get a Firewire to Thunderbolt adapter-cable from Apple - cheap solution and Firewire speed for I/O

Otherwise I'll echo the Apogee Duet (USB version) endorsement given earlier in this thread.

Mac is refurb 2010 model I am not sure of thunderbolt port don't think so its a g5 tower
quite frustrating but thanks or the replies I need a multi track capability so apogee duet won't work in my situation.

I want to multi track and the motu 896hd should work I have a knot in my brain.

John you might have the solution there sir… I am fighting it all so both swords are out and so far I'm bleeding a lot..
2 options
- either don't record on the G5, get a newer mac with Firewire or Thunderbolt
- get a USB interface, plenty to choose from, the RME Fireface 800 is great and rock solid with 10 I/O's
Sounds like possibly some buffer settings in your DAW or a clocking issue (Audio/midi preferences, clock source). I'm assuming you are using the Axe audio outs to the Motu and not USB for audio?
What he said ^^^^

Make sure all your drivers are up to date. In APPLICATIONS--->Utilities---->AUDIO/MIDI SETUP Make sure that your audio devices are set up correctly and the clock rate is right etc.
I've got a MOTU 828MK3 hybrid which works with both USB2.0 and firewire. Now I am selling it, but that is not because it didn't work, I just found a PCI based solution that fits my needs better. You can score one used pretty cheap (which sucks for me ;)).

Just saying that there are some options out there.
I've got a MOTU 828MK3 hybrid which works with both USB2.0 and firewire. Now I am selling it, but that is not because it didn't work, I just found a PCI based solution that fits my needs better. You can score one used pretty cheap (which sucks for me ;)).

Just saying that there are some options out there.

I just picked up a MK2 which can be had for even cheaper and is a great soundcard, I replaced a Presonus FP10 and I must say the Motu drivers are rock solid.
I can't recommend metric halo highly enough. I'd check out the 2882+DSP if the ULN-8 is too expensive. It's a high end piece of gear. FireWire. I've used MH for years with many variety of Macs. Their motto is future proof. They're similar to Fractal. BJ Buchalter is the Cliff Chase of the company and in terms of vision the audio recording world. My opinion of course!

Both those units are 8 channels and can be daisy chained for many more. I have 5 boxes 34 I/O, even more if I used the adat from my ULN-2. But I'd never have to use that many. Or I haven't yet!
Thank you I have done everything everyone has suggested moved pcie fire wire card to slot 4 and 2 neither work
pops n pings... they said change bit rates I tried everyone pops and pings.

I am worried to upgrade to Mavericks to find I cant use other things after doing so..
I need help from some mac guys here on this who have upgraded from 10.8 .6 up too mavericks..

I cant swing a 2000 dollar sound card at the moment I need an inexpensive usb solution it seems if motu 896 hd is not going to work from any firewire
or usb firewire adapter I need a usb card which can record more then one track that is not 2 grand.

I am loosing any and all desire to play or record at all over this and its stumped every body I know
pc or mac guys.
If you have a G5 you don't need to worry about upgrading to Mavericks. That ain't happening. OS X hasn't supported PowerPC chips for years now. Are you sure you're not running 10.5.8? That's the last OS X version that supported the PowerPC architecture. Everything since then is Intel only.
I have both an Apogee Duet II and a Saffire Pro 40. I use the Duet for recording guitar and bass at home. But when I want to record drums or play live, I use the Saffire. It has a lot more in/outs. The Saffire stays in my live rig, so when we play live, I can set up multiple monitor mixes, trigger 2 Axe FX patches via midi, send the sample track out to the desk and the click to the drummer. So, it all depends on what use you're gonna put it to.

The Duet is very good, but it seems to have slowed down the startup/shutdown process on my Mac.

I upgraded to Mavericks, and I would say dont upgrade if you are currently happy with your OS. My keyboard repeatedly get scrambled since the upgrade, and I have to keep resetting the PRAM to fix it. Could be a coincidence, but I doubt it.
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