Low audio out of output 3

I haven’t gotten that far in the manual yet but I’m getting there thanks!
The manuals cover a lot of ground because there's a lot of things to know about how modelers work, but @Admin M@ has done a really good job writing them. I periodically grab one and skim through it and find something I didn't know. I'll also sit on the floor to learn how to do it from the front-panel, then spend several minutes allowing my legs to wake up so I can stand. :)
The manuals cover a lot of ground because there's a lot of things to know about how modelers work, but @Admin M@ has done a really good job writing them. I periodically grab one and skim through it and find something I didn't know. I'll also sit on the floor to learn how to do it from the front-panel, then spend several minutes allowing my legs to wake up so I can stand. :)
I read a couple pages a night then if I’m traveling I wind up going back a few and reading again. It’s slow going but as I use it it sinks in more.
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I thought it was 18dB for some reason... I know it goes up to 20dB.

It depends how you measure it. If you put a meter on the analog outputs, you'll get a 20dB difference. If instead you measure digital out 1/2 relative to the pass-through DI you'll get 18 dB. Which one is "correct" depends on your use case.
I was about to ask this
It seemed to me in/output 3 and 4 are lower than 1 and 2
Ok so then just increase the dB if needed

I thought something was wrong with the signal
I sat down and read a lot more of the manual. Even if I don’t remember exactly what I read I will remember answers to questions being there.
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