Low audio out of output 3

Bruce Sokolovic

Fractal Fanatic
I’m using output 3 for my DI and in the DAW it seems to be barely hitting. Seems to be making things noisy for the SLO 100 I’m sending it to via a 2 notes reload. I’d really like the signal to be hotter coming into the reload. Where exactly should I increase gain? At the interface (Apollo X8), in the Fractal? Output in DAW? DI level is only recording at a max of -24 or so and is showing like no audio is being recorded. It is there, it is just really low.While I’m playing and plugged in to the AxeFX, the input tickles the red.
Output 3 is designed for unity gain. Set the front panel knob to 100%...

How exactly are you using it? Have you added Output 3 block on the grid or are you setting Output 3 mode to Copy Input 1?

A true DI is going to be instrument level and that's a very small signal.

If you're adding the block to the grid just turn up the Level control.
He can just use the main Level control unless he needs something specific to a given scene...
Doesn't the level control in the OP 3 block work independent of the physical? The reason I ask is you can move the physical knob and not see the level change in the level parameter within the block.
Doesn't the level control in the OP 3 block work independent of the physical? The reason I ask is you can move the physical knob and not see the level change in the level parameter within the block.
The physical knob is separate. In my previous post I advised to set that to 100%.

That equals unity gain on Output 3.

To boost above unity, you need to increase the Level control in the block, which can add up to 20dB.
The physical knob is separate. In my previous post I advised to set that to 100%.

That equals unity gain on Output 3.

To boost above unity, you need to increase the Level control in the block, which can add up to 20dB.
That's what I was referring to in the event he was looking for more signal! ;)
That's what I was referring to in the event he was looking for more signal! ;)
Maybe my earlier comment to you wasn't clearly written :)

When I said "main Level" I meant in the Output 3 block... Because you mentioned the scene levels tab. The main Level control is on the primary tab (or maybe on both?).
Maybe my earlier comment to you wasn't clearly written :)

When I said "main Level" I meant in the Output 3 block... Because you mentioned the scene levels tab. The main Level control is on the primary tab (or maybe on both?).
it is in both tabs just like most all of the blocks that you can adjust levels in. I just wasn't sure if they knob and level control were connected... :rolleyes:
DI level is only recording at a max of -24 or so

That sounds right, it should be in that range. You want it to be unity gain through the Axe-FX. If you boost it, you'll just have to turn it back down by that same amount somewhere else in the signal path.

P.S. If you want to send the signal to an audio interface, I'd suggest doing it digitally. The way you're doing it, you'll have a series of A/D/A/D/A conversions. A digital connection will avoid some of that. Or, better yet, just record directly from the Axe-FX.
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The physical knob is separate. In my previous post I advised to set that to 100%.

That equals unity gain on Output 3.

To boost above unity, you need to increase the Level control in the block, which can add up to 20dB.
Why is out put three designed this way? I haven’t had to use out 3 yet and I know I’ve read it here but you can bet the first time I use it I’ll forget. I am curious to why though. Is it needed this way for a reason?
Ah, I didn’t know that was called unity gain, seen it written but it just didn’t sink in. Would be nice to have a choice on the output level. Unity gain or line or whatever the other values are called. I still have a lot to learn.
Why is out put three designed this way? I haven’t had to use out 3 yet and I know I’ve read it here but you can bet the first time I use it I’ll forget. I am curious to why though. Is it needed this way for a reason?
The examples in the last five-ish pages in section 4 in the manual show various ways that Out 3 and 4 can be used. As said above, they're basically for effect loops and driving external amps.
The examples in the last five-ish pages in section 4 in the manual show various ways that Out 3 and 4 can be used. As said above, they're basically for effect loops and driving external amps.
I haven’t gotten that far in the manual yet but I’m getting there thanks!
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