Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion inside)


Hi Guys !

I'm planning on changing the Celestion Seventy 80 of my PE60 for something more aggressive and hard-rock/metal oriented like the Celestion V30, G12K-100 or G12T-75. The scope is to get a little more aggressive response and palm mutes, maybe even a better "amp-in-the-room" feeling at low volume.

Have you ever tried this ? Eventually, do you have hints on choosing the loudspeaker ?

Thanks !
Re: Changing the loudspeaker of a Tech 21 Power Engine 60

I've got various amps/cabs with the three Celestions you mentioned. The 100 has the most thump (definitely) and aggression to my ear. I have a pair of them in slightly oversized open-back Crate cabs, and they have a pretty massive low end.

Re: Changing the loudspeaker of a Tech 21 Power Engine 60

Hi Tommy,

Thanks for the tip !

I'm adding three things :

- the PE 60 is an open 1x12" combo
- I'm mainly (read 95% of time) playing at bedroom volume
- What I mainly play (if it helps) : Metallica, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Rammstein, ZZ Top, Black Sabbath

Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins

Since it is open back, I would go with the 100 watt Celestion or maybe an Eminence - Rivera uses a Swamp Thing in their K-Tre combo, so that may be worth checking out.
Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins

Thanks JGR !

So it seems that because of the open back the V30 is not the right contender ?
Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins

It might be OK, but I think there are better alternatives, especially if you are playing heavier music and want to crank it a bit - it is a lot easier to drive speakers in an open cab into overexcursion. Higher wattage speakers generally are a better bet if you want to keep the low end tight.

Reiep said:
Thanks JGR !

So it seems that because of the open back the V30 is not the right contender ?
Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins

Thanks for the tip !

I found this video, Celestion V30 vs G12H30 vsG12T75 vs K100 shoot out : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9acguJjsgDg

Do you guys think it's matching the reality, because here the V30 sounds waaaaaay better :shock: The K100 is quite OK, but it seems it's missing something...
Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins

I can't access it at work, but I believe that is the one Rivera did (V30 did sound great!) - just keep in mind what cab is used - I think it was a closed back. They will behave much differently in your cab.
Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins

Yes, it was this video.

Anyhow, I ordered the G12K-100, we'll see how it behaves, it had to make a "blind choice" anyhow.

Thanks for the support !
Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins

Hi !

At last I managed to install the G12K-100 and it ROCKS ! Some patches require a little bit of fine tuning in the upper mids but the basses are waaaaaay better.

Thanks for the advice !

/me happy :mrgreen:
Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins

Cool, glad it all worked out for ya.
Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins

Are you using the internal PE 60 amp with your new setup? I have a PE 60 myself and have been thinking about getting a different cab for use with my AXE due to the lack of low end in the existing speaker in the cab. Sounds like you have had some good luck with the new speaker so interested if you think the internal amp has enough power to run it at decent (not crazy loud) levels. Most of my playing is at home and rehearsal type situations. If/when I play live, I would most likely look to add a 4x12 to my arsenal..

Interested in your perspective on the PE 60 paired with the AXE..

Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins


Indeed, I'm using the internal amplifier. That was the purpose of me buying the PE60 : having a all-in-one solution.

For a home setup it's perfect. For rehearsal it should be OK. I only did a few jams with it equipped with the former speaker and it was enough, with a "normal" drummer, not a too heavy one. It was in a 5 m x 8 m garage and I was perfectly "here" in a hard rock context.

The sensitivy of the G12K is a bit better (99 dB vs 98 dB) too, it can only help.

However I think that for live it could be quite just, even with a 4x12", depending on the size of the gig. But I just presume here.
Re: Loudspeaker for a Tech 21 Power Engine 60 (Celestion ins

I had EV Force 12s in my Power Engines.
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