Loud POP when powering off


Power User
I'm using a Carvin DCM1000 and FCB1010 along with the Axe Fx all plugged into a Furman power conditioner. Regardless of order and despite all volumes being on zero, when I turn off the Carvin, I get a potentially speaker damaging POP. The only way I don't get the POP is if I just turn the conditioner off which in turn cuts power to everything.

I've heard that it's bad for electronics to cut the power this way. What's your opinion? Which is worse, the loud pop, or cutting power to all units using the conditioner? If that's really bad, is there anything I can do to stop the pop?
Oops, misread first.
The Axe-FX will not suffer any adverse effects from being yanked off power. The power switch on the front panel does just that: it breaks the incoming AC straight off. From Cliffs own writings.
Of course that may not apply to other units in your system. Or that the Axe could be damaged by a power surge coming from other units. However they'd have to be really badly engineered to do that.

As for the power amp... you could unplug it before you switch it off. That would be inadvisable for tube amps, but shouldn't harm transistor amps. That Carvin is transistor, innit?
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