Lots of Axe-II's for sale as of late?


Anyone else notice a somewhat significant trend in A2's being listed for sale lately?

Ideas? Certainly couldn't be a leak on an Axe-III and personally, I simply can't see that coming for at least a couple more years (I mean that).

Just wondering if it's just me or if anyone else has noticed this.
Sounds like it might just be the people that jumped on board and just didn't bond with it. Same thing happend with the Ultra a few years back. It's not going to be for everyone (thank god) and it will ebb and flow just like everything else.
Anyone else notice a somewhat significant trend in A2's being listed for sale lately?

Ideas? Certainly couldn't be a leak on an Axe-III and personally, I simply can't see that coming for at least a couple more years (I mean that).

Just wondering if it's just me or if anyone else has noticed this.

Judging purely by the posts in the axedit forum its probably the lack of an editor.
Judging purely by the posts in the axedit forum its probably the lack of an editor.

Well that's just silly.

Not your suggestion, but that some would do something like that.

"I just bought this expensive car that I love, but dagnabbit, the cigarette lighter doesn't work anymore. I could use a BIC lighter, but instead, I'm gonna sell the POS."
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Well that's just silly.

Not your suggestion, but that some would do something like that.

"I just bought this expensive car that I love, but dagnabbit, the cigarette lighter doesn't work anymore. I could use a BIC lighter, but instead, I'm gonna sell the POS."

Silly isn't the term I would use but it works. With the rhetoric in that forum I stand by my statement.
Silly isn't the term I would use but it works. With the rhetoric in that forum I stand by my statement.

I chose the word 'silly' on purpose to relay the level of maturity that would go into a decision like that. That's of course assuming anyone would do such a thing.
I had a roommate back in the 80s that had GAS for a TC 2290. He saved for nearly a year to buy the unit. When he finally got it, he sold it within a couple of months. I believe he just wanted to have one, and once he finally acquired it, he was over it and ready to move onto the next GAS purchase.
I bought a "brand new" Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster to a kid from a rich family in Barcelona. He bought it together with an amplifier, but on the next day he decided that he would rather start learning piano, so he bought a huge piano that I could see shining on the hall. He gave me for free tons of new books of guitar lessons and tablatures. For some people, money is like tap water. :?

On the other extreme, I have some friends that have recently sold their Axe-II, and part of their gear, due to the economical crisis in Spain. That is really sad. :cry
Silly isn't the term I would use but it works. With the rhetoric in that forum I stand by my statement.
Jack has a major point,even though it makes no sense to most of us but some people are just too tunneled visioned and cannot go without an editor.
They forget that it's additional stuff being provided for free,it is not an obligation.
Oh well whatever.
I bought a "brand new" Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster to a kid from a rich family in Barcelona. He bought it together with an amplifier, but on the next day he decided that he would rather start learning piano, so he bought a huge piano that I could see shining on the hall. He gave me for free tons of new books of guitar lessons and tablatures. For some people, money is like tap water. :?

On the other extreme, I have some friends that have recently sold their Axe-II, and part of their gear, due to the economical crisis in Spain. That is really sad. :cry
That is indeed tragic.
I had a roommate back in the 80s that had GAS for a TC 2290. He saved for nearly a year to buy the unit. When he finally got it, he sold it within a couple of months. I believe he just wanted to have one, and once he finally acquired it, he was over it and ready to move onto the next GAS purchase.

And every day I thank <insert deity here> for GAS and the people who have it. Without them, I would have paid 40-50% more for all my toys.
I think that a lot of people coming from Amplitube and other computer centric ways of working just feel more comfortable and in touch with what's going on using an on screen editor. (a lot of them using their eyes instead of their ears I might add!) I think this is why a lot of people have lost their patience waiting for an editor and just sold their units (ridiculous I know).

I'm a sort of "plug it in and go" type of guy (and I'm getting used to the front panel) but must admit that (for me) the unit is a lot more "manageable" using Axe Edit. Having said that, the front panel is definitely a lot more user friendly than my previous processor (a Lexicon MPX G2, a great unit for it's time I might add, but I digress.....).

Basically people today have become spoiled by fancy GUI graphics from the likes of Amplitube/Line 6/Roland and that's just become the "NORM" . These companies are in competition with each other and vying for our hard earned cash with their seductive graphics. Is that a good or bad thing? I don't know.......

I know that without Axe Edit I've now come to see my Axe Fx as less of a "USB sound card" and more of a Stand alone Amp and musical tool.

Enough rambling.....
FAS already got their money from the initial purchase... not going to sway them to speed it up. I know at this point (being a developer) half our team would have got the boot already.

It takes what it takes though, most development houses dont have the luxury of delivering whenver they feel like it, as software is never done, just have to draw a line in the sand on features and just get it out.
FAS already got their money from the initial purchase... not going to sway them to speed it up. I know at this point (being a developer) half our team would have got the boot already.

It takes what it takes though, most development houses don't have the luxury of delivering whenever they feel like it, as software is never done, just have to draw a line in the sand on features and just get it out.

From a business standpoint though, they might now have a bunch of people out there slagging the AxeFX, for whatever reason, in forums and to their buddies. They are also probably losing sales due to the fact that people want a GUI for their unit, no matter how great it is. Pretty sure that this would be enough impetus "to speed it up".

I can well imagine this is a very frustrating time for Fractal. <--- [USER WAS GIVEN 'UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR AWARD' FOR THIS POST]
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