Lost preset


Good morning

I received my Fm9 yesterday. And it awesome.
I built a complex preset with FM 9 edit which took about an hour.
And when I tried to save it with the hold function assigned to switch 2, it is no ware to be found.
Is there any way I can restore that preset?
I could always build a new one. But it will save a lot of time if there is some way to restore it.

Thanks KJB
Good morning

I received my Fm9 yesterday. And it awesome.
I built a complex preset with FM 9 edit which took about an hour.
And when I tried to save it with the hold function assigned to switch 2, it is no ware to be found.
Is there any way I can restore that preset?
I could always build a new one. But it will save a lot of time if there is some way to restore it.

Thanks KJB
What is assigned to the hold function of switch 2?
WHAT??? was assigned to the hold function of switch #2?

You have to hit the Save button to save a preset.
Not trying to be difficult but please reread the question again.

He asked WHAT was assigned to the switch. "Yes" is not a valid answer

WHAT??? was assigned to the hold function of switch #2?

You have to hit the Save button to save a preset.
I did save it I had the FM3 for about 6 months before that so that's a no brainier.

I usually figure this stuff out on my own and I'm not one of those newbie that clogs the forum with useless questions along with not reading the owners manual!
It's no big deal now I will backtrack and try again when Im done building the pre-set.
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