Looper control - assigning to switches

I would like to assign the looper controls on mfc101 (mk1) to switches 6 through 10, so I have my scenes on bottom row and loop controls on 2nd row.
Is that possible? I've tried assigning CC but it doesn't work like it should (links betweent switches, message on screen,..)

If I want to full looper mode, can we only have it in Reveal part of mfc?
Anyone who could shed a light.. thanks!
I have a mk III and I have my looper record on 1 IA and play/stop on another, I would think you should be able to do the same with the MKI, in edit midi are you programing the cc# directly to the IA control change? you must change IA AXE FX to None first for the IA's you want to program cc# to..
Yeh I did that but you don't get the display on screen and the red led on record and dub and so on... so it's not the full looper mode, not as good really :/
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