Looper and programming External Switches

Hi all,
I've been using an RC-50 Looper for years, and I just got my Axe FX II and MFC-101. I'm trying to conserve space on my pedalboard, i.e. I'm wanting to use the Fractal instead of the RC for looping. Sooooo... I got a couple of Boss FS generic footswitches and have connected them to the MFC-101. So far, I'm able to loop just fine. But I noticed that there is no "erase" function in the MIDI CC# list. How do I erase a loop with the Axe FX II and external footswitches?
Is it possible to set up one of the external switches to act like the one on the RC-50...? Pressing REC once starts and stops recording; holding it down for 3 seconds erases the loop.
I am NOT MIDI savvy, so any help with this would be REALLY awesome.
Thanks all!
Not sure if i can help here since I don't have an MFC.

Anyway, to erase a loop, I just record "nothing", i.e. I start the recorder and stop it right after (which in my configuration is the equivalent of pressing and releasing the rec switch)

Just in case you did not notice, the MFC has a looper mode. It's maybe more convenient for your needs than using external switches...
If you change to a different patch does the system keep the looped track? IE Could you 'clear all' at the end of a song by changing patches?
If you change to a different patch does the system keep the looped track? IE Could you 'clear all' at the end of a song by changing patches?

Yes, if it's the same looper type In every preset. Stereo for example.
Yes you could clear the loop when changing to another preset if there's no looper block in it.
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