Looking for Atomic passive CLR vs old Atomic (vs Matrix CFR12) comparisons

At the moment I'm using my Axefx2 with a GT800FX and a 2x12 1936 Marshall cab and I'm not convinced yet about how it sounds. Meaning: I'm still playing my real Marshall heads and cabs atm.

So, I was about to take the plunge into complete FR to see what that would do when hooking my 19" rig up to a PASSIVE wedge.

Are the Atomic CLR really beter than their older wedges ? Because each time they tell you that now this one, is really really really FR.... uhm...
How to Atomics and Matrix cabs compare ?

IMO, the older Atomic wedges were horrible and they definitely did not sound like they were really FRFR to my untrained ears. I had major problems with feedback from the tweeter and I thought the low end was over exaggerated. The powered version did not have enough clean headroom for anything other than moderate band levels - about as loud as a Deluxe Reverb - before it started to add it's own breakup. I don't know if/how that translates to the passive version.

Other than the name Atomic, the CLR has absolutely nothing in common with the older product. It's a totally different cabinet design, speaker design, and different power amp. I found the CLR to be vastly superior in every way. Having said that, I did not keep the CLR. I decided to go with a power amp and cab setup because that met my needs better at the time (I'm going back to FRFR again, long story...)

I know there are people who still use the older Atomic Reactors and like them, so YMMV.
I have played through all three. The CLR is way better than anything in its price range and in my opinion superior to the other products mentioned. I play through the active wedge CLR and with Firmware 13 and the new ultra res cabs it is an awesome experience and the best live sound I have ever had and I've owned a lot of boutique tube gear and cabs. I would never go back now. This rig with the CLR is truly stellar and it's great to he all the different tones with FRFR that you can't get with traditional cabs. IR technology is only going to get better. The CLR delivers back at you whatever you put in and you get great clarity and dispersion on stage. They are also great monitors for other things including studio mixing.

TK and I spoke about this quite a wile ago and he said and I'm paraphrasing the Atomic Reactor was made to help add what modeling solutions at the time were lacking with regards to tube feel.

They were far from flat and anyone with half an ear could tell that there was some interesting things going on but they did the job at the time and sounded pretty good. As mentioned there were other short comings with respect to head room and volume.
TK and I spoke about this quite a wile ago and he said and I'm paraphrasing the Atomic Reactor was made to help add what modeling solutions at the time were lacking with regards to tube feel.

They were far from flat and anyone with half an ear could tell that there was some interesting things going on but they did the job at the time and sounded pretty good. As mentioned there were other short comings with respect to head room and volume.

I still own 2 passive old style Atomic Reactor wedges and atomic 50/50 power amp. It served me really well and sounded great. The only weakness was high pitched squealing feedback from time to time which I learned to control with a few tricks. The Sustainers in my Jackson PC1 also give me great feedback at lower volumes. I never found they lacked headroom though?

For live situations they worked very well. The CLR are better and you get a beautiful musical feedback with them and the sound is purer and more musical. The Atomic Reactors did the job and now modeling has improved to some extent the technology has moved on!
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