Look what RAM mounts can do

Wonder if they could work for my Korg Volcas as well? Looks super useful for positioning smaller units like the TE etc

I didn't know what volcas were 4 days ago and I blame you because I'm obsessed now. Just picked up the sample and drum, nobody had the FM in stock or I would have got it too. With the motion sequence recording you can do so freaking much with these things, basically automate every knob on it, per part, even sample start/end parameters, sample speed, it's crazy. The big X-grip fits perfect


Volcas are lots of fun, and not too pricey, which makes the fun easier to justify. I have so many samplers, apps, etc which can all do the same things as the Volca sample, for instance, but somehow having a little dedicated machine that does a unique lo-fi sample playback just is fun and functional.

I sometimes dedicate one for sending audio loops into my MS20, using the audio as a modulator for other parameters in the patch bay, and the Volca also works great as a midi to sync converter which I then connect to my SQ1 sequencer (also awesome sub $100 fun) and use that to also drive the ms20 or the Boog.

I can’t justify a big euro rack modular, but Korg makes lots of fun noise makers for minimal cost and that all can sort of work on their own or combine together.

the FM is really cool too, proper 6 op DX7 synth engine in there, even loads dx7 patches of which there are thousands online, and adds sequencing etc.
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