Loading presets & cabs with MidiOx problems...


So I'm having some issues...

I use MidiOx since AE is out of order. Connected with USB.

When loading presets from my PC, some presets will overwrite presets that's stored in the Axe. I haven't found that until later. At first, it appears they do not load at all, but I've later found a number of presets overwriting presets in other places. For example, if I'm on preset 300 and try to audition a preset through MidiOx, it appears it won't load, but a few days later I find it in for example preset location 25.
This happens with some presets, I think I found about 10 presets overwritten. They were all from AxeChange, but not from the same author. But, if one authors preset does this, all of his presets uploaded after each other will do this. There are no errors appearing, and I have not stored and saved anythiung in the Axe itself. They're being saved automatically when auditioning them... I guess something got messed up when creating them? But this only applies if other people have the same issue?
Example of presets doing this:

Next thing is with loading cabs. I can't get anything to load thru MidiOx, and there's a problem when a preset contains more than one cab. Can some kind soul guide me through the steps of loading cabs with MidiOx?

I have tried Axe Manager to transfer ownhammer cabs to the Axe. I tried 5 yesterday, but a weird thing happened: I transferred 5 cabs, to user slots 1-5. #1, 3 and 5 was ok, with the names shown ok in the Axe. #2 and 4 was not affected at all, these locations had what was previously there.

I don't want to open up Axe-Edit at all, but Manager works pretty ok to audition patches and loading banks, altough AE crash now and then...
Midi-Ox was supposed to be the workaround, but I seem to have more issues with that, and more serious ones because of the overwriting, than using AE with the manager?

Appreciate all help!
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Regarding presets overwriting other presets. Read post #49 in the sticky about "Loading presets without axeedit"!

Hej jeppekristoffer!

Post #49 explains what the problem is but not how to get around it.
The axeloader utility that I pointed to in my previous post, is a way to get around it and it requires no setup like midiox does.
Thanks guys...

And regarding the cabs, make sure to follow Cliffs tips regarding the settings of the Midiox, in his first post in the sticky.
Yes, I already went thru that when I installed MidiOx...

You can try this:
New utility for the AxeChange
I'll give it a shot tonight, thanks! Can you also load cabs with it?
Hej jeppekristoffer!

Post #49 explains what the problem is but not how to get around it.
The axeloader utility that I pointed to in my previous post, is a way to get around it and it requires no setup like midiox does.

No your right about that. I thought I read somewhere that it maybe is possible to change the syx code and I tried but couldn't get it to work.

Regarding making the changes that Cliff explains; I made the changes/settings when I installed midiox and everything went fine. I imported presets and cabs.
The next time I was going to transfer cabs to the axe it didn't work. I checked the settings again to be sure that they hadn't changed. Guess what,... they had. the same thing has happened a couple of times since then. And every time I redo the settings it works again.
I'm not saying that's the problem occurring here but it could be worth controlling.
No your right about that. I thought I read somewhere that it maybe is possible to change the syx code and I tried but couldn't get it to work.
Yeah, it's a bit tricky because once you change the preset id embedded in the .syx file, you also have to recalculate and update the checksum field. That's what the axeloader utility does in memory before sending the preset data to the axefx.

Regarding making the changes that Cliff explains; I made the changes/settings when I installed midiox and everything went fine. I imported presets and cabs.
The next time I was going to transfer cabs to the axe it didn't work. I checked the settings again to be sure that they hadn't changed. Guess what,... they had. the same thing has happened a couple of times since then. And every time I redo the settings it works again.
I'm not saying that's the problem occurring here but it could be worth controlling.
Ah, yes, I've been bitten by that as well in midiox. There's a checkbox somewhere that tells midiox to not change it, but it's easy to get it to start doing that again.
Anyway, back to adding IR support to axeloader ;)
Try these settings in midiox ....... Low Level Input and Output Buffers: Size, 256 Bytes Num, 16
Milliseconds between buffers: 60 ms. Also it has to do with the person who uploaded these presets, I've had this issue as well.
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