Loading Axe FX 3 presets (scenes) into FM9 Turbo

Hi All,

Just got my FM9 Turbo today, hurray... I already have the FX3 but needed the FM9 for long trips via air.

If this has already been discussed, please point me to that post but I wanted to know if I can simply load my FX3 total backup into the FM9 and have it work just like my AXE FX3 does? I know this would be too easy but I'm praying that it is possible. I really didn't want to reconfigure everything. I understand that I might have to dumb down some scenes due to processing power and maybe some other tweaks but that is not too much to do.

I didn't want to attempt this without talking to the forum first. Fingers crossed.

I believe you would need to export/import via the editors.

I don't think you can just load a preset bank and have it translated.

Also, there are a number of things that may be impacted during the translation process due to different capabilities, not just CPU.
Just drag an Axe-Fx III preset into FM9-Edit. Examine it for any inconsistencies (blocks that the FM9 doesn't have, excessive CPU, etc.). Rinse and repeat.
Just drag an Axe-Fx III preset into FM9-Edit. Examine it for any inconsistencies (blocks that the FM9 doesn't have, excessive CPU, etc.). Rinse and repeat.
Hi Rex

I believe hes asking if he can duplicate the entire AXE III platform on the FM9 - everything exact - not sure thats possible its two different platforms
Hi Rex

I believe hes asking if he can duplicate the entire AXE III platform on the FM9 - everything exact - not sure thats possible its two different platforms
Everything is definitely not possible.

Presets are... But not sure if it can be done en masse or needs to be one at a time.
Hi Rex

I believe hes asking if he can duplicate the entire AXE III platform on the FM9 - everything exact...
You're right. And you can't transfer the system configuration from one product to another. But you might be able to import presets in bulk (@Party Pooper Try importing a block of presets using Manage Presets). But any import of Axe III presets into an FM9 is going to require a watchful human eye.
You're right. And you can't transfer the system configuration from one product to another. But you might be able to import presets in bulk (@Party Pooper Try importing a block of presets using Manage Presets). But any import of Axe III presets into an FM9 is going to require a watchful human eye.
Thank all for the help. I'll give it a shot this weekend and fingers are crossed.
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