Live dubstep band!

Someone just showed me this the other day. Pretty impressive for it all being live. Admittedly, you won't find me blasting dubstep out of my car stereo, but I do find it interesting. The drop in this song is so violent and mind scrambling. It sounds like a Transformer having some kind of seizure. LOL Pretty damn cool. I can't even begin to think about how to work out playing something like this live. Props to these guys for pulling it off.
I do wonder why the bass player is wearing a glove on his fretting hand isn't part of the Hot Hand system, is it? Gotta have a drastic impact on tone as far as normal bass tones are concerned. Of which there aren't very many in this song...never mind. I think I just answered my own question. LOL
Freakin awesome!
What are the guitarist using? It seems like a calculator. lol

Very cool indeed. Their website PINN PANELLE- The Band's Official Website

Proof of concept demo
Derek Song - "I have a [BlueTooth] controller that I reprogrammed in order to manipulate a digital effects rig"
Crazy Dubstep Santa Bluetooth Guitar Wobble Cover - YouTube

Heres an interview with Derek Song where he talks about the tech a bit more.
Introducing Pinn Panelle: The Bluetooth-wielding, Dubstep-influenced rock band - Los Angeles Local Music |

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