Line 6 Helix - Question for Cliff


Cliff, any thoughts about how this "profiling" is described? The tones still sound less "natural" than the Axe-Fx. Line 6 always has this "tinny" or "digital" sound to it. This is an improvement over their previous gear, but still not at the level of the Axe-Fx.

Cliff, any thoughts about how this "profiling" is described? The tones still sound less "natural" than the Axe-Fx. Line 6 always has this "tinny" or "digital" sound to it. This is an improvement over their previous gear, but still not at the level of the Axe-Fx.

Once people realize that Line 6 is doing its own thing with Helix, that it is NOT intended to be on par with the AxeFxII, then we will fully appreciate what Line 6 is trying accomplish with this new unit.

You hear tinny and digital, i dont, what i do hear is that those sounds will greatly benefit from great IRs just like the AxeFx does, that is the key.
Well, when you go around 14:00 you hear the fenders and they sound totally muddy on the top strings...
Otherwise the Dual Recto at the beginning sounds good to me
That demo sounded great to me. Anyone hearing "digital" in that must have some magic ears. In the end the most important thing is whether or not someone can get a tone that inspires them to play cool shit. That dude was playing some cool shit so the Helix obviously works for him.

There's no downside for us guitar players if the Helix is a great sounding rig - right? If it's better sounding than the Axe-FX in any way, I have a high degree of confidence that Cliff will respond with a kickass update. If it offers features not present on the Axe-FX, if it makes sense to add them I suspect that Cliff would go out of his way to provide an equivalent capability.
There's no downside for us guitar players if the Helix is a great sounding rig - right?

Right. We're so ridiculously spoiled as players these days it's not even funny any longer. I'd really like to send everyone taking shots at every new product coming down the pipe back to the early 80s for a month or so. After that they'd never find fault with modern gear again. :lol
We've been over this many times on the forum man. I think Cliff is tired of addressing it.

The forum is huge and searching is not always efficient. I just made an observation and asked a question. I know Cliff is busy and doesn't have to answer. No need to jump all over me.
Once people realize that Line 6 is doing its own thing with Helix, that it is NOT intended to be on par with the AxeFxII, then we will fully appreciate what Line 6 is trying accomplish with this new unit.

You hear tinny and digital, i dont, what i do hear is that those sounds will greatly benefit from great IRs just like the AxeFx does, that is the key.

One of the biggest complaints about the Pod series was the cab and mic emulations. People had been asking for the ability to use IRs for years. The Helix addresses that issue. The amp sims, at least from this demo, do sound better than anything L6 had with the Pod series. Those two things make it a very attractive offering for someone wanting a better solution than a Pod but can't afford (or doesn't need) the AFII's abilities. If this unit succeeds, Fractal may pick up a fair amount of business for people wanting to incorporate good IRs into the Helix. Future firmware updates may further improve its tonal abilities too.
Because a Fender twin sounds muddy when you turn the bass up that high..... ;)

I think they get muddy like that with the MV very high...
and in the real world, Fender Twin's are so crazy loud you'd most likely not wind one up quite high enough to trash the lows..
That demo sounded great to me. Anyone hearing "digital" in that must have some magic ears. In the end the most important thing is whether or not someone can get a tone that inspires them to play cool shit. That dude was playing some cool shit so the Helix obviously works for him.

There's no downside for us guitar players if the Helix is a great sounding rig - right? If it's better sounding than the Axe-FX in any way, I have a high degree of confidence that Cliff will respond with a kickass update. If it offers features not present on the Axe-FX, if it makes sense to add them I suspect that Cliff would go out of his way to provide an equivalent capability.

I agree with this sentiment completely...
it'd be no different to arguing about amps... as in "my amp X is so much better than..... " etc etc
but we all know there are loads of great amps cos the Axe is chock full of them...

what I've seen and heard of the Helix so far has been impressive.. and I've never been a fan of anything by Line6
modelling will get better and better all the time by all manufacturers.. it's a simple fact of product evolution..
the cool thing for us guys is that we have a supremely good unit.. so no matter what any other manufacturer does, we can still be more than content with what we have..
and better.. the Axe continues to evolve and improve.. this was a major selling point for me personally..

it's perfectly ok to admire and respect something great made by someone else..

I think some folk need to remember that it's just kit... not some sort of religious sect... lmao
That demo sounded great to me. Anyone hearing "digital" in that must have some magic ears. In the end the most important thing is whether or not someone can get a tone that inspires them to play cool shit. That dude was playing some cool shit so the Helix obviously works for him.

There's no downside for us guitar players if the Helix is a great sounding rig - right? If it's better sounding than the Axe-FX in any way, I have a high degree of confidence that Cliff will respond with a kickass update. If it offers features not present on the Axe-FX, if it makes sense to add them I suspect that Cliff would go out of his way to provide an equivalent capability.

but,but ,but I want mine to be the BEST and I want everyone to admit it !

totally agree .I couldn't care if it sounds as good or better than the axe fx . just be stoked you own an amazing piece of gear and enjoy it I say
I am not interested in Helix and more in wait line to see what AX8 has to offer. But this video is the best review so far of helix for me.
This Helix looks and sounds Big Time! I love the simplicity of the layout and the Deep midi integration. To be honest, this is what I wanted from Fractal.. The Liquid Foot Pro (LED
scribble strips Liquid Foot+ Pro+ and the Axe FX II (Floor unit)… It seems that Line 6 has achieve such. I'm still holding out for a Axe FX Pro (Floor Unit w LED Scibble strips).. :)
I've been a Line 6 user since the original Pod and the Vetta amp. I then went the boutique route, buying a couple dozen of the usual suspects. I then went Fractal, buying the Axa FX II when it was Version 6. My sole gig rig has and still is the Axe.

I found this review to be excellent. It would be silly to debate the merits and deficiencies of one product over another. There's no reason to not add the Helix to the arsenal of tools.
Yes the helix sounds good in studio according to the video. But no one can guarantee its gonna be sound good in live situation. Why never a demo video in this world showing how a product can do and sound in live situation with a band?
Yes the helix sounds good in studio according to the video. But no one can guarantee its gonna be sound good in live situation. Why never a demo video in this world showing how a product can do and sound in live situation with a band?

That could be said about any modeller though, including the Axe FX. The key to live tones is dialling in at the correct volume. If the tones are good in the studio, they should be transferable. I've used an old Zoom G2 direct into the mixer and PA for a gig and got great tones. I bet the Helix will sound spectacular live, in the right hands of course.
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