Lincoln Brewster still using AxeFx?

could you imagine a program where a kid could buy a restricted firmware axe at an "educational discount", say with only a single amp and cab to start, then could unlock additional functionality by making modest payments and submitting assignments to cliff proving that he had become proficient with what he already had? pretty soon we'd all be asking those kids to teach us how to use our axes...
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.......When people start with all the gear from the start, they often don't figure out that the biggest component in good tone is your hands.

When I hear about people getting an Axe who never had a tube amp and/or never had a bunch of pedals, it's no wonder to me that they sometimes struggle with finding the sounds they want. QUOTE]

Yes, tone is mostly in the hands!!! The most recent live example I have is watching Satriani play a pre-show private show to about 60 people in a small room. He used CHEAP music store gear which included maybe 2 or 3 pedals and a small, lower end tube amp. He used backing tracks of his songs and sounded, I SWEAR, as if he were playing on the recording, but in your face.... with maybe $1000 worth of gear from the local music store ..... haha.

Yes, if you haven't owned pedals and tube amps and spent a lot of time experimenting with them, you won't get the most out of the axe and you won't understand hardly any of the parameters of each virtual device. However, unless you are a complete gear guru, you will learn more about conventional setups because the axe-fx lets you create virtual racks, pedalboards, and amp/cab configurations, routed any way you want it..... :)
.......When people start with all the gear from the start, they often don't figure out that the biggest component in good tone is your hands.

When I hear about people getting an Axe who never had a tube amp and/or never had a bunch of pedals, it's no wonder to me that they sometimes struggle with finding the sounds they want. QUOTE]

Yes, tone is mostly in the hands!!! The most recent live example I have is watching Satriani play a pre-show private show to about 60 people in a small room. He used CHEAP music store gear which included maybe 2 or 3 pedals and a small, lower end tube amp. He used backing tracks of his songs and sounded, I SWEAR, as if he were playing on the recording, but in your face.... with maybe $1000 worth of gear from the local music store ..... haha.

Yes, if you haven't owned pedals and tube amps and spent a lot of time experimenting with them, you won't get the most out of the axe and you won't understand hardly any of the parameters of each virtual device. However, unless you are a complete gear guru, you will learn more about conventional setups because the axe-fx lets you create virtual racks, pedalboards, and amp/cab configurations, routed any way you want it..... :)
I envy you for seeing Joe that close up :evil
I got to meet Joe and shake his hand thanks to a very expensive birthday gift from the wife. I was impressed that he would offer his golden hand to someone he didn't know. Personally I'd be paranoid someone would make too much of an "impression" lol.
I got to meet Joe and shake his hand thanks to a very expensive birthday gift from the wife. I was impressed that he would offer his golden hand to someone he didn't know. Personally I'd be paranoid someone would make too much of an "impression" lol.
that's another reason why I like Joe. Besides awesome guitar skillz, he is a genuine nice guy to boot :D

thank you mom and dad for not charging me rent :D

Sixstring - That's true to a point... but even as a kid I had to work to get the gear I had and it wasn't until I was 18+ and banks suddenly saw me as worthy of a loan that I could by my first USA strat. I do find it a little funny at times when you see bands claiming to be struggling in the cut throat music industry yet the insurance value of the guitarists gear alone out weighs the value of a new car. :)
There's struggling and there's struggling.
Sorry for the When I... but doing something bad/naughty when I was a kid meant a slap round the back of the legs... these days you get an expensive present :)

I applaud anyone that has worked to get what they want in this life and I realize that there are probably only a few that fit this category. If your a teen or twenty something that's even better, a good work ethic will take you far and provides you with a sense of accomplishment, respect and the understanding of what it really takes to get what you want. I had to work to get my first car and everything else I have up to this point in life. When I see parents that spoil their kids just because they want it and not have to lift a finger or have any accountability to get it makes me ill and these are the ones I feel sorry for. Later in life these are the ones that will tend to have a sense of entitlement.

I would also say pay for your things with cash. The only things you should finance should you have to are a car and or house. Music gear should always be paid for in full.

Ok father Six is off his soap box now ;).
I applaud anyone that has worked to get what they want in this life and I realize that there are probably only a few that fit this category. If your a teen or twenty something that's even better, a good work ethic will take you far and provides you with a sense of accomplishment, respect and the understanding of what it really takes to get what you want. I had to work to get my first car and everything else I have up to this point in life. When I see parents that spoil their kids just because they want it and not have to lift a finger or have any accountability to get it makes me ill and these are the ones I feel sorry for. Later in life these are the ones that will tend to have a sense of entitlement.

I would also say pay for your things with cash. The only things you should finance should you have to are a car and or house. Music gear should always be paid for in full.

Ok father Six is off his soap box now ;).

I completely agree. I was the guy who had to work for everything. In high school a guy I played music with was given a Mesa. Made me sick. I busted my ass for quite a while to buy a strat. It was in immaculate shape. He knocked a markerboard over on it and dinged through the finish into the wood while I was out of the room, then didnt say anything when I got back. I had to hear from someone else what happened. I was uver pissed. When I aske him about he laughed and told me I needed to loosen up because it was gonna get singed up eventually. I still dislike that prick.
last i heard he went to the X3 live, said he didnt like explaining to the kids that come up that he's using some 2k worth of gear they can never afford

Now see THIS is why I don't think most modern music makes people want to push themselves. That reason if it is valid, is very stupid in my opinion.

I seriously doubt that when I liked The Eagles back in the 70's that I could "afford" Joe Walsh's gear! So what? It gave me something to strive for as well as playing like him. (Still can't play like HIM, but now I have some great gear. HA !HA!)

I think today's music is very dumbed down and it seems that the attitude tword attaining the gear a pro player has or his chops has been dumbed down as well.

I simply have never heard of a pro player changing his equipment out to something a kid could afford! That just blows my mind!

When I aske him about he laughed and told me I needed to loosen up because it was gonna get singed up eventually. I still dislike that prick.

When I was in high school on drugs that prick that laughed at dinging my gear and not telling me would have been picking his TEETH up off the floor!

I don't think he would have been laughing too much then.

Like I said, that was a long time ago, but I did not take kindly to people like that when I was in high school.
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Even though I live at home and I'm 20 and don't pay for rent and utilities, I still gotta pay for everything else and work for it. My parents are Mexican plus they worked balls hard to get our family to a comfortable middle class living. Aside from them teaching me good values, they wouldn't hand me anything like I see a lot of parents do to kids my age nowadays. It's some absurd crap. Ingrate kids.

I had to work 1+ year to get my axe fx standard because I am self funding my learning with cold hard cash (audio engineering gear ain't cheap either) because I'd rather learn the ropes from a person who does the job for a living directly rather than a schmuck with a hat and book telling me the science of sound (as interesting and important it may be) and pay who knows how much money and loans and etc. In a school which I hate because I never could commit to homework and useless information cramming that'd I'd forget anyways. Oh I forgot to mention that I also had to use my tax returns to help and this was during the time that availability for the standard and ultra was super sketchy and these bastards were selling for 2-500 extra of what FAS would sell them for. NO WAITING LIST, PLAYED THE ADD TO CART FALSE HOPES RAISED AND CRUSHED FOR X AMOUNT OF HOURS GAME. I've also had to save for quite a while for my macbook pro and 7-8 string guitars. No mom and dad to help. Hell they'd tell me (and still do for the most part when they see the price tag on the gear I'm trying to get) I'm crazy :lol

So I bought my standard for full price 1500 and then three weeks later axe 2 comes out. I wasn't bummed actually. Shocked, yes :razz I actually still <3 my standard and have learned so much from it that I'm actually considering buying a tube amp just to understand it better and for the occasional tube freak moron who blatantly refuses to use axe fx to record. But anyways, just letting you guys know that not all youngsters are lost to this new age nonsense of GIMME GIMME GIMME :)
When I was in high school on drugs that prick that laughed at dinging my gear and not telling me would have been picking his TEETH up off the floor!

I don't think he would have been laughing too much then.

Like I said, that was a long time ago, but I did not take kindly to people like that when I was in high school.

Well, it was at church and there were a whole bunch of people there so I wasn't really able to. I wanted to. I also thought about putting a hole through one of his speaker cones and laughing and saying "it was gonna happen eventually anyway" but the reality is, he just would've called his grandpa who would've paid to get it fixed. He had no sense of value of anything. It was just stuff to get thrown around because he didn't have to work for it. I don't miss playing with that dude at all.
Lincoln did a webinar today, and someone asked him about Fractal. [paraphrase] "Fractal is Great! Love their stuff....but for me it came down to portability. I always carry a backup, so with Fractal being rackmount, it was just too much to carry on flights. I also had to have a separate pedalboard, where Line6 in all-in-one. That's why Line6 just works better for me..."
Lincoln did a webinar today, and someone asked him about Fractal. [paraphrase] "Fractal is Great! Love their stuff....but for me it came down to portability. I always carry a backup, so with Fractal being rackmount, it was just too much to carry on flights. I also had to have a separate pedalboard, where Line6 in all-in-one. That's why Line6 just works better for me..."

Well it may work that way for HIM, but a LOT of people carry on their axe fx onto a plane.

I don't really see it as that big of a deal like he seems to make it out to be.

As far as a seperate pedalboard, it would not bother me at all. Especially when I compare the axe fx sounds to line 6 sounds...which to me sound like a toy!
Couple of comment:

1) I've seen Lincoln twice. Once with the X3 and once with the HD500. Both times he had so much bass coming from the 4x12 on stage that it's hard to make out what he is playing if you are too near the stage. And both times the highs were really rolled off. He goes for a very smooth tone live, which he can get away with as the only guitar in the band. Don't get me wrong, he still sounded good. It's all in the fingers, as they say.

2) When I saw him with the HD500 I asked his guitar tech why he wasn't using the Axe Fx. He said that he had had some issues with it on the road, but that he still used it at his home church. Maybe he was shipping it without adequate protection; who knows. I have carried mine back and forth to church twice a week - with no case at all - and have had zero problems.

3) Lincoln has a write-up in the latest Sweetwater catalog in which he touts (shamelessly) several products (that Sweetwater just happens to carry), including multiple by Line 6. So, while I don't think Lincoln is being dishonest in any way, I think we all have to remember that there are most likely agreements made between companies like L6 and their endorsees. It's all a business game to some degree. Personally, I've taken part in promo videos for a certain controls equipment supplier (their name has the letters A and B in) because they asked us to, and because we knew it would get us publicity also. And the things I said were all slanted to make them look good. Of course, it was their video. It doesn't mean we don't use their competitor's equipment, however. Anyway, you get the point.
The only "issues" I know of in this case is that Fractal cannot ship free gear around the world for an artist's fly dates.

I do know a recent album by Lincoln was fully recorded with the Axe-Fx.
Well it may work that way for HIM, but a LOT of people carry on their axe fx onto a plane.
I don't really see it as that big of a deal like he seems to make it out to be.
Seems you're missing his point about the backup...

As far as a seperate pedalboard, it would not bother me at all. Especially when I compare the axe fx sounds to line 6 sounds...which to me sound like a toy!
Then let us see you betting money that you can keep them apart :mrgreen
The only "issues" I know of in this case is that Fractal cannot ship free gear around the world for an artist's fly dates.

I do know a recent album by Lincoln was fully recorded with the Axe-Fx.

Interesting. I had never heard of a company shipping in (free) gear for a concert. Shows what I know.

I have Lincoln's new Christmas album and I could tell there was a lot of Axe (or real amp) usage. I like the tones overall much better than his previous one.
Seems you're missing his point about the backup...

I am not missing anything.

Then let us see you betting money that you can keep them apart :mrgreen

I could say the same for you dude. Care to put your money where your mouth is?

I owned both line 6 and fractal products, Line 6 simply does not have the same quality of sound to me like Fractal does.

I could care less if you agree or not. That is simply my opinion on the two manufacturer's.
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