Lets talk guitars

I would love to have PRS build a guitar to my spec. which probably wouldn't be that difficult seeing how I like the way their guitars are already built. I guess it would be just a costom color and choice of woods.
The Guitar in question was the Suhr Rasmus GG, I really wanted to like this guitar but for some reason I felt clunky with it, I just didn't feel as slippery and felt like I was having to relearn how play.

I then realized that I had been so used to a PRS that I had been playing for close to 8 years that even the slightest difference in the way the guitar was built were noticeable. Things like neck radius, carve and string spacing that I never really paid too much attention to in the past. The Rasmus was a huge departure from what I was used to playing with respect to these specs.

I have a GG sig incoming and am also slightly concerned how it will play, I've been using PRS for many years like you and the leap from 10" to 16" radius could go either way. I have to say a standard USA strat is the comfiest neck I've played at around 9.5"
I have a GG sig incoming and am also slightly concerned how it will play, I've been using PRS for many years like you and the leap from 10" to 16" radius could go either way. I have to say a standard USA strat is the comfiest neck I've played at around 9.5"

I know everyone is different and you might not have te same issues that I did but it is a very different feeling guitar when compared to a PRS, definitely not as comfortable. After you have a chance to play it for a wile post you findings here and let us know your take between the two, I'm real curious to know what you think.
I would love to have PRS build a guitar to my spec. which probably wouldn't be that difficult seeing how I like the way their guitars are already built. I guess it would be just a costom color and choice of woods.

They have a custom shop don't they? I'm sure they can build you anything to your spec. It may cost you, though!
arrived at the conclusion that i've spend too much time and money fretting over different guitar brands.
it's nice to have something well made, but the best players don't seem to give a carp what they play - they sound just as good playing on whatever they pick up.

an original '59 les paul would be top of the wish list :O
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Steinbergers are like scientology. Yes they get mocked by the majority, but the true believers know that everyone else is doomed to get eaten by aliens.

And my white GL-4T is the greatest guitar ever made.
Steinbergers are like scientology. Yes they get mocked by the majority, but the true believers know that everyone else is doomed to get eaten by aliens.

And my white GL-4T is the greatest guitar ever made.

I thought Allan Holdsworth and Johnny Winter WERE aliens!
Hmm...yeah. The ones that got away.

I got one of those too...
a Yamaha 6-string / steel strung acoustic..

it was a mid to low priced model, but there was something about it that just didn't add up cos it sounded and played amazingly
I played it pretty much once a week for a few months...
and having come to the conclusion that I needed it, I started saving up the bux....
when I had the bux and finally went to buy it.. they gave me the guitar but it was just 'ok' instead of amazing...
didn't make any sense... when I asked why it didn't sound / feel the same the guy in the shop said
"oh, you mean the one you've been coming in to play?? yeah, nice one that was.. sold last week.. but this one is the same model"

in a state of distress....
Clarky flounced off
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