Leslie Rotary?


Fractal Fanatic
Was hoping to improve on my DG30 / 2x12 preset (available in FM9 Preset Exchange) with a better quality rotary that has a higher rate modifier that produces a more defined chorused/warbly leslie effect.

How does one obtain the effect heard on David Grissom's live YT videos? Certainly, he's using a dedicated leslie effect, not a leslie cabinet. Please chime in if perhaps you've previously learned what rotary parameter settings produce the warbly chorused sound referred to.

ATTN: @Joe Bfstplk : I did locate your 147 Rotary block in some obscure post from a while back. Was hoping to set up the rotary block and use an envelope follower for rate control, but set the remaining scenes with the rotary off. Not sure this can be done with the envelope follower or not, unless I set my rotary block for one channel only (Channel C) and route the remaining signal path channels thru either rotary channel A or B.
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Was hoping to improve on my DG30 / 2x12 preset (available in FM9 Preset Exchange) with a better quality rotary that has a higher rate modifier that produces a more defined chorused/warbly leslie effect.

How does one obtain the effect heard on David Grissom's live YT videos? Certainly, he's using a dedicated leslie effect, not a leslie cabinet. Please chime in if perhaps you've previously learned what rotary parameter settings produce the warbly chorused sound referred to.

ATTN: @Joe Bfstplk : I did locate your 147 Rotary block in some obscure post from a while back. Was hoping to set up the rotary block and use an envelope follower for rate control, but set the remaining scenes with the rotary off. Not sure this can be done with the envelope follower or not, unless I set my rotary block for one channel only (Channel C) and route the remaining signal path channels thru either rotary channel A or B.
Away from home at the moment. Big road trip.
Will be back Thursday....
Was hoping to improve on my DG30 / 2x12 preset (available in FM9 Preset Exchange) with a better quality rotary that has a higher rate modifier that produces a more defined chorused/warbly leslie effect.

How does one obtain the effect heard on David Grissom's live YT videos? Certainly, he's using a dedicated leslie effect, not a leslie cabinet. Please chime in if perhaps you've previously learned what rotary parameter settings produce the warbly chorused sound referred to.

ATTN: @Joe Bfstplk : I did locate your 147 Rotary block in some obscure post from a while back. Was hoping to set up the rotary block and use an envelope follower for rate control, but set the remaining scenes with the rotary off. Not sure this can be done with the envelope follower or not, unless I set my rotary block for one channel only (Channel C) and route the remaining signal path channels thru either rotary channel A or B.
Post in thread 'Most common use for Scene Controllers?'
Thanks for this, but my plan was to keep things simple. (I also noted my post above yours stating my aptitude with control switches and per preset switches. No offense, but my Cooper Carter classes were given a backseat while I sort through work obligations...read: the turtle will eventually arrive, it's just doing slow and steady for the time...).

For example, I created a rotary block with @Joe Bfstplk's MIN/MAX values, and used an envelope follower as my source. Then, set the modifier to Channel C. IIRC, I also set the Mid to 30% for a curved slope, and the Attack/Release to 30ms/150ms respectively. Lastly, Fast Update and Fast Speed.

What this does is create a rotary effect for how hard one picks or loudly strums, and the effect rate decays naturally as the note fades.

The only scene that uses rotary is scene 7, and the rotary is set for channel C there. All other scenes are either channel A or B, where no rotary occurs.

The only thing I wasn't sure of was what bypass mode to set the rotary. My choice was Mute Out, Mute FX Out, and Thru. My intuition told me to use Thru, since nothing else would activate the rotary when it was anything other than Channel C. If this might not be the best choice, please add your comments so a correction can be made.
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Thanks for this, but my plan was to keep things simple. (I also noted my post above yours stating my aptitude with control switches and per preset switches. No offense, but my Cooper Carter classes were given a backseat while I sort through work obligations...read: the turtle will eventually arrive, it's just doing slow and steady for the time...).

For example, I created a rotary block with @Joe Bfstplk's MIN/MAX values, and used an envelope follower as my source. Then, set the modifier to Channel C. IIRC, I also set the Mid to 30% for a curved slope, and the Attack/Release to 30ms/150ms respectively. Lastly, Fast Update and Fast Speed.

What this does is create a rotary effect for how hard one picks or loudly strums, and the effect rate decays naturally as the note fades.

The only scene that uses rotary is scene 7, and the rotary is set for channel C there. All other scenes are either channel A or B, where no rotary occurs.

The only thing I wasn't sure of was what bypass mode to set the rotary. My choice was Mute Out, Mute FX Out, and Thru. My intuition told me to use Thru, since nothing else would activate the rotary when it was anything other than Channel C. If this might not be the best choice, please add your comments so a correction can be made.
you want to set it to thru as switching channels on a block is not going to disable it but just load a different type of the same effect at max.
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