FM9 Legato 2-1-2 arpeggios over ii-v-1 progression, jazz-archtop style, Lydian, Altered Dom


Legato 2-1-2 arpeggios over ii-v-1 progression, jazz-archtop style, Lydian, Altered Dom

This lick demonstrates a 2-5-1 chord progression in A (Bm7-E7-AMaj7) and demonstrates how you can create exotic, rich and beautiful tones using simple arpeggios scales and using modern, 2-1-2 style, legato fingering.

IMPORTANT - You can use the jazz licks for fusion and the fusion licks for jazz. Just because the tone is one or the other does NOT preclude you using it for other stuff!

Bm7 - Bm11 arpeggio
E7 - AbMaj7#5 arpeggio Ab C D E G gives you 3 #5 b7 root #9, classic altered sound ala brecker
AMaj7 - AMaj13#11 arpeggio

#TimMiller #MikeBrecker
#jazzguitarlessons #guitarlessons
#jazzguitar #modernjazzguitar #jazzguitarriffs
#ibanezbenson #fusionguitar #altereddominant
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