Late bloomer to FW 9.02... Need some help...


Fractal Fanatic
I'm jamming on 9.02 for the first time. Coming from 6.02. I know. I know... Had a LOT going on this past year. Anywho...

I'm playing one of my Clli Leggy / piezo presets and I am trying to edit the cabinet in the mag chain. From the front panel grid I highlight the cab and press edit. Like I have forever now... Except, the sound changes radically as if the cab is changing. Is this normal? Is this due to the whole scenes addition? What do I do? This is weird.
Can't make mine do that.

Sometimes after a software upgrade I'd have some presets act or sound a little strange but they seem to fix themselves after a little flipping around. Never could duplicate it after that. Maybe your gremlin moved out...
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