Lambertones anyone?

I’ve tried Cremas, Grinder/Crema, and the Grinders. I thought the Grinders were the best set of humbuckers they had. There was something about the Cremas (had them in a Gibson 335) that just sounded choked and uninspiring. I couldn’t get a drive sound I liked, but I also think they’re very geared towards underwound humbuckers which I’ve found aren’t my first choice. I think they’re supposed to be similar to the Lollar El Rayos.

The Grinders had more of the mid-push I want out of humbuckers while maintain good clarity. I still felt overall they weren’t anything ground breaking, and seemed to be more founded around social media hype. The never ending sales and discount promotions generally throws up some red flags, in my opinion, as it does with other companies who do the same thing.
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