Lamb of God tone not in my Axe-fx?


Fractal Fanatic
My next next song I was going to try to emulate was Lamb of Gods guitar and bass tone... But when I A/B'd it against the new album... It kind of has a mid to high range honk that I can't get rid of... The original has a metallic sponginess to it that my Axe-fx does not have... I tried the SLO, all three Recto's, FAS Modern, Das Metal, Metal... But I finally got closest to the tone with the Powerball... I cycled through all the cabs and all the mic sims and I just couldn't get that mid-high honk out... I tried it with both my Omen with JB bridge and my Les Payl with An EMG 85... This is the first time I've been able to cleanly A/B my tone to something professional... I haven't been able to get that metallic spongy distortion... I have the new Lamb of God Studio Experience CD that solo's all the instruments... I'll upload an A/B hopefully tonight.

Edit: Ok here are the two comparisons... please forgive my sloppy playing... starting at 7 seconds the original has this awesome distortion buzz that I can't find in my Axe-fx... any help?

Lamb of God - Original Guitar.mp3

Lamb of God - Mo Guitar.mp3
They use Mark IV's, don't they? I imagine with the USA Lead 1 (Mark IV i think?), a para EQ and a Cali cab perhaps, you'd get pretty close?

I think that the mic placement is crucial in this case. Sounds like a SM57 on axis close to the dead center of the cone of a 1x12 or something.
I'm actually looking to cop a good LOG tone, as well. it is certainly a bit tricky! They got this certain clank and buzz that's extremely hard to reproduce.
I've been trying this too, but it's really hard to make the guitar sound that bad. ;)

Try the Mark IIc+ without additional drive to get the "hairy distortion". Then it's an SM57 straight into the center of a V30 speaker. HP filter around 100hz and boost the high end a lot, to get the "sparkly" grit going.
Clawfinger said:
I've been trying this too, but it's really hard to make the guitar sound that bad. ;)

Try the Mark IIc+ without additional drive to get the "hairy distortion". Then it's an SM57 straight into the center of a V30 speaker. HP filter around 100hz and boost the high end a lot, to get the "sparkly" grit going.

Hey Jocke... hahahahahaah that's a perfect description for that tone... "hairy distortion" hahahahahaha.... how about "peach fuzz distortion"...

I made a post over in Clawfinger's thread. I was trying to mimick their tone off of Ashes of the Wake more than anything. I think I'm in the ballpark, but there's still some stuff that just isn't right..
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