Lag when switching presets. Can it be fixed?

1) The gap of switching presets in no where near half a second and 2) even if it is half a second, do you honestly think anyone is going to care ? Is the whole bar going to go all cash out their tabs and go home because at one point during the gig the guitarist had a slight gap when he switched presets ?

I think we can't see the forest for the trees sometimes here..... We are a 1% minority of 1% of hardcore, OCD, gear obsessed tone freaks who spend hours a day sitting on internet forums talking about things that don't really matter to the average guitarist, much less the average audience member.

These things that we seem to think are so life and death simply aren't that big of deal. I think we need to get a grip and some perspective or something....

How did I used to switch tones for nearly my whole life of playing ? By stepping on/off of a bunch of pedals one by one, and somehow I got by just fine.

Now we have this amazing ability to change effects, amps, overall tones etc at the press of one switch and we are upset its not instant enough....

Owner of the club going to refuse to pay you because your patch switching wasn't fast enough ?

Going to get kicked out of your band because they can't deal with how "slow" your scene changes are ?

We viewing this stuff under a darn microscope with an OCD filter over the lens. We are sitting around, by ourselves, in quiet, focused solely on trying to notice audio gaps in x/y and preset switching..... How realistic or useful is that really ?

Want a truly instant change ? Use your volume knob, or get a second Axe and run it in parallel with a Morley Blender variable A/B pedal. Smoothly and instantly go from tone to tone on each unit. Problem solved.

You seem to be very angry........
Yes, computers are fast, as is the Axe, but there are limitations. When I load some rhodes keyboard samples into my sampler, and then want to switch to a grand piano sound, its not seamless. Even using the fastest SSD's for storage the system still has to load all the samples.

Change presets and you've got a whole new order of effects blocks, different routing options, new amp model, new cabs etc. Just don't see how it could be expected to do that instantly...

Really don't understand how its limiting you either, if you already use and understand scene mode ?

And it's still faster than hitting 5 stomps :D
1) The gap of switching presets in no where near half a second and 2) even if it is half a second, do you honestly think anyone is going to care ?
In a 120bpm song, when switching the x/y state through DAW, from a clean amp to a heavy distortion for an unexpected heavy riff after a quiet verse, the first note (1 beat) of the riff is cut off. That's half a second.
If the gap is smaller for you, that's great. But in my case, that's half a second and a ruined performance.

And it's still faster than hitting 5 stomps
There are these midi devices that switch groups of stomps. Works exactly like scenes.
Can you post a soundcloud sample showing this 500ms gap? I gig over 250 complex deeply edited 5-8 scene preset per song presets and don't experince this with approx 100 of them going from clean to heavy using x/y as you are describing.

Something else must be changing like cabs and delay and modifiers for 500ms..... or axe edit is open...
It could be any number of non-obvious things going on. For ex, I had a similar issue switching from Amp1 -> Amp2. Turned out Amp1 was doing an X/Y switch and dropping out during the transition.

You should post one of the presets. A lot of folks here know what to look for.

EDIT: also, I sometimes find that I get a switching delay after using Axe-Edit, even if I unplug the USB cable. Restarting the unit clears that up. I need to post info on this one in Bugs...

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Not true. If the scene changes x/y state of the amp, it creates a very noticable audio gap.
I've setup my live performances to change effects automatically through DAW, and i am forced to use two amp blocks, because the x/y change makes a whole beat of silence in a 120bpm song!
So, Clean verse to a sudden distortion chorus - Not possible, unless two amp blocks are used.
I've been using scenes with switching the x/y state of amps for ages now (I almost always have a stereo-amp setup, so I have no other choice) and the gap is almost inaudible. Yes, it's there, but it's nowhere even close to "a whole beat of silence in a 120 bpm song". Nope. Just nope. You might want to check your setup for artifically introduced delay at this point. How about closing your DAW for a quick test? At this point, I am pretty sure the problem is not the Axe, but the user.

And again: the secret to gapless switching is switching slightly before the first beat of a bar.
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In a 120bpm song, when switching the x/y state through DAW, from a clean amp to a heavy distortion for an unexpected heavy riff after a quiet verse, the first note (1 beat) of the riff is cut off. That's half a second.
If the gap is smaller for you, that's great. But in my case, that's half a second and a ruined performance.

If seamless preset switching was possible, the Axe-Fx would provide it.

A gap of 500 ms is much too long though. Easily identified by looking at the preset, so post that for useful advice.
after reading this trail i would like to chime in a bit. i do have the same similar experience although i have to confess i have only had my AXE FX for about 3 days. i play in a cover band and am the only guitar player. for ballad such as Creep by Radiohead i need to switch back and fourth from a super clean tone to a gritty overdrive tone. when i switch between those 2 presets that doesn't seem to be as much of a lag but more of a repeat on the first note like there is a delay in the chain.

for reference try switching from the studio clean to the 5153 red channel. those are the presets i was planning on using for my template.

my current rig (pre Axe Fx) was a 5150 III with a few stomp boxes, a GCX switcher and ground control. using the ground control to send midi to the amp and changing channels from green to red was seamless. i think that is what we are trying to accomplish here.

just trying to provide clarity :)
I use scenes with great success. I use two amp blocks And mute the thru's. Mainly use a preset per song.

Yeah I started this thread because I was using a gain tone that required two amp blocks blended together. I like experimenting with that and I can get a more original tone that not a lot of people have, but since then I still do experiment with dual amps but for my main presets now are one clean and one dirty amp and switching using scenes. Completely seamless =)
I have had the Ultra for 10 years. I change presets 100% via computer and it is seamless when programmed at the right transient. I have several songs that use completely different presets. My XL has very noticeable preset lag. Consequently the XL gets used for studio work and the Ultra still gets used live.
WOW!!! I never understood what the scenes really did until now. (I assumed they were different banks of presets) I am stoked to try this now! All of my live presets are pretty much the exact same batch of pedals and cabs with only the amps changing. This will be so awesome!!!
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