Komet Concorde Low Cut parameter and a few more questions

Andre Antunes

Hi guys,

First of All, I'm LOVING this amp model, what a tone I'm getting from this amp I've stop using the Plexis, Friedmans that I love so much and I'm reeeeally realy dedicated in exploring this beauty.

HOWEVER, playing with this amp in "FAST" mode (input trim at 1.000), with the gain at above 3/3.5 I start to feel some flubiness on the low strings, even If I lower the bass to like 9 o'clock

As an AXE FX II newbie and a not so amp expert, I went to the ADV tab and lowered the LOW CUT FREQ to like 250hz, seemed to solve the problem. Am I doing it right? Did you guys experience the same? What have you done to solve it?

Ohh, another question and I think maybe Cliff has something to say about it. The real amp, from what I've read, has a Hi Cut knob besides the presence knob. I'd like to know what's the best way on the axe FX to 'recreate' that knob.

Love FAS and love this forum,
Thank you all for being so supportive.

RAISING the low-cut is indeed a way to get rid of flubbiness. If you need to raise it to 250 I dont know. Let your ears be your judge. Can also be done on the CAB. TRUST YOUR EARS!

On page to on some amps there is a Hi cut. It is used to do just that. (Cant remember though if it is Hi cut or prescense on this amp. I beleive it is HI cut.)

Yes, low cut in adv page works great for taking out mud without thinning the tone. That lowcut is in the preamp stage so its close to what you'd get by putting a tube screamer before the amp. (Cuts below 300-400hz)

The other one is the power amp lo cut, different results, and then in cab, which is different again, like a lo cut in recording desk.
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