Kenton LD2 MIDI Thru for FM9

@powerslave88 - one thing to note in all of this: the LD2 is only telling you the midi value of a controller.

It is only part of the story and not really telling you about the volume level.

Assuming you've setup a midi expression pedal to control volume, the level of your volume will be relevant to the configuration of the FM9, the preset overall volume, the front panel Level control, the way the expression pedal is set to control the volume (globally or via a Volume block), the modifier settings, etc.

If you get everything dialed in and don't change anything it will be a good reference point at best, in my opinion.

You may already know all of this, but I figured it's good to be aware.
Yeah that’s cool thanks for the clarification- it’s really all about reference, it’s good to know so that my underscore levels are consistent but mostly for when a dep comes in I can just mark on the pad the number the Kenton should read when dialogue is happening and then the sound team have a really easy time of it no matter if I’m in or not 👌

Struggling to find something controller wise that would do the trick though - any ideas? Or is there some sort of box I can plug the mission expression pedal into which then can go into the midi in? And then can I set the volume block controller to be midi in rather than pedal 1? Like I say, all new to me - I’m taking over the chair with my own gear and they’re all expecting it to run like the previous chair holder who was using the Quad so I’m just tryin to make life as easy as possible 😂
Yeah that’s cool thanks for the clarification- it’s really all about reference, it’s good to know so that my underscore levels are consistent but mostly for when a dep comes in I can just mark on the pad the number the Kenton should read when dialogue is happening and then the sound team have a really easy time of it no matter if I’m in or not 👌

Struggling to find something controller wise that would do the trick though - any ideas? Or is there some sort of box I can plug the mission expression pedal into which then can go into the midi in? And then can I set the volume block controller to be midi in rather than pedal 1? Like I say, all new to me - I’m taking over the chair with my own gear and they’re all expecting it to run like the previous chair holder who was using the Quad so I’m just tryin to make life as easy as possible 😂
Check out the AudioFront Expression IO.

I have one and run 4 expression pedals into my FM9 via midi. Works great.

There are also some actual midi expression pedals out there but I have no first hand experience.

Here's one:
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