... just some Rectifier wanking


This is a clip I did on a Les Paul Forum backing with one of my
live patches which uses the (hotter) Rectifier model (and a drive,
just can't remeber which one, it's been quite a year when I set up
the patch and I'm at the office now :mrgreen: ) and the new V30 cabsims
with 67 cond. and 58 dynamic mics.

Played with my PRS McCarty Rosewood Neck.

http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_so ... ID=7075827

Hey Andreas,

I really like that tone on this one and the playing is great too! Thanks for sharing. I just wondered if you woul upload the preset to Axechange. I have been trying to get a Recto sound that has the Top end sizzle but that is not too harsh and I think that this would be a good starting place for me.

Thanks eitherway :)

xpenno said:
I just wondered if you woul upload the preset to Axechange.

Hi Spence, no, I didn't - I still can't get the AxeFx editor to work properly - no matter what I tried.
(I use the Midisport 2x2 together with Vista on my Laptop)

But I saved my bank A with MidiOx (Midiox works fine!), If you give me your email adress I can send
you my whole bank A this evening, maybe you'll find some other sounds you like, too!
I've got a Standard and an Ultra (same patches), so just tell me for which one you need the sysex file.

It's something with a PRS and a Recto that seems to be a nice match (like Les Paul - Marshall, EMG81 - 5150, Michael Jackson - kids). :mrgreen:

Great sound!
Clawfinger said:
..... Michael Jackson - kids). :mrgreen:


I don't use this sound very often since I play in a 80s hardrock coverband
and the Recti sound is simply too much for most of the tunes we play (but
the SLO and the Bogner are fun, too :cool: )

btw; Clawfinger & Spence, thanks for listening!

That is a really awesome tone.

I wouldn't mind having that patch on my standard. Any way you could email it to me @ viktorl at gmail.com ?

thanks again, and really cool playing as well!
Thank you guys for your kind comments!

You got mail(s) :cool:

(Btw, Patrick Voes got my bank A, too, he told me there was too much gain/drive on the presets,
but his guitar is a Ibanez JEM - the pickups in my PRS McCartys for which I did the patches have
less than half the output of the JEM pickups - so if you play with high output Pickups be careful with
the gain...)

Enjoyed the presets andi-o.
I just used the guitar knob to vary the amount of gain, thats one of the axes strong points.
I also tried them into the fx return of a Marshall JVM410 into a 1960 cab.
Worked very nicely as you aleady have the fx loops in there.
What kind of power amp/ speaker cab do use?
sheguitarplayer said:
What kind of power amp/ speaker cab do use?

On stage I use a MESA 2:100 (with EL 34) with a 4x12 Marshall Cab with
Celestions G12H100 speakers, splitted to stero,
at home/for rehearsals I use a ENGL 9200 (with EL 34) and a 2x12 Cab with
Vintage30 speaker.

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