JP2C Yellow and Red Models on FM3?


Apart from the different input drives for the JP2C yellow and red models (Yellow is 2.9. Red is 5.7), are there other differences? I have a slight lag when I switch between the red and yellow channels with the FM3 that doesn't occur with my AXEFX 3. So I set up a scene controller to change the input drive from 2.9 for rhythm to simulate the yellow channel and 5.7 to simulate the red channel. I also use the scene controller to change the overdrive levels. This works well.
I believe on the amp those channels are supposed to be identical other than the different input drive values which are fixed to resistance values internally which are selectable via the push-pull pot on the Gain knob on the amp. It's simulating the volume knob on the older IIC+ amps where the axe gives full range of movement instead of 4 fixed values spread across 2 channels.

So yeah, you should be safe just doing that to replicate it. It strikes me as a case of "it's easier to copy-paste the model with the one knob moved than to keep explaining to people that both channels are there, they just need different settings".
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