Journey "Stone In Love" Cover Video

Mark Day

FAS Artist-in-Residence
Fractal Audio Systems
OK, first off, we are not trying to "note for note" this tune. Lol, for all the critics out there :)

The backing track was done by my old band (Roy Nichol: vocals, drums, keys and Don Lecompte: bass)
I played rhythm during the solo sections on the back track as well.

This is a version of Journey's live rendition of this tune.

AxeFx 2, Fender Strat( Mexican Blacktop that has been totally modded).

For all you old timers, Roy Nichol is now the permanent drummer for April Wine and is currently doing a North American tour with them.

Kinda strange for me because April Wine was the first concert I ever saw when I was about 16 yrs old.

This is one of the backing tracks I used at Axefest West :)


Mark: Are you using one of the stock AFX cabs for this sound? It's very nice & defined without sounding brittle on the high end... great job as always :)
Mark: Are you using one of the stock AFX cabs for this sound? It's very nice & defined without sounding brittle on the high end... great job as always :)

Factory 57 4x12 SLM H75 (OH)

Thanks :)

Very nice stuff!

Is that a HSS Strat? Seems like alot of gain for single coils.

Dude, you are dropping poundage. Looking good, but eat a burger.

Love playing this tune.... Sounded awesome Mark.
Funny I was checking out one of those strats on CL this guitar
Very nice stuff!

Is that a HSS Strat? Seems like alot of gain for single coils.

Dude, you are dropping poundage. Looking good, but eat a burger.


I was only using the humbucker :) I had a burger for supper lol.

Great job Mark - was fun to meet you and see you play that one live at Axe-Fest. We play this one in my band (and medley-ize it with Anyway You Want It) - so I know the solos and you did a great job with them - I may get "inspired" from your take on things as I like the way you laid out the licks. When I originally dialed in my tone, I found I had to go single-coil to really get the note separation to make it sound right. Yours sounds great (as always) with a humbucker as well. Thanks for sharing - the band sounds amazing.
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