AFIII John 5 - Sugarfoot Rag

Really good, to say the least! Also like your choice of guitar for the song.
I love Jaguars, they look so nice ♥️. They needs mods but once it is done 👍🏻. Here I ve changed the bridge, buzz stop, locking tuners, a brand new Jeff beck jr that I solder 2 weeks ago, interesting pickup as you still have a little bit of single coil spirit in the sound . I have several ones with di marzio humbuckers in single size, they sound more like an humbucker than this one
Familiar with a lot of John 5/Lowery. Not familiar with this song, but was impressed before even watching the video that someone was covering any John 5. Thoroughly more impressed after watching/listening. I caught my jaw dropping.

In other words:
Wow that is so great man wicked cool picking. You have all the basses cover with your selection of songs and video's.
love watching your videos. :)
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