JHS Show amp has been a Kemper

I don't really follow it closely enough to know what his latest Kemper/amp ruse is about, but when I've watched the videos that he and JHS put out in the past, I've been impressed that he seems to have a true love of pedals. I've seen him go out of his way to speak highly of other brands and be quiet on shilling for JHS directly when he definitely could have. That part of it is a welcome change from many gear channels that are pushing a particular brand or agenda. He may be too nerdy and wholesome for some people's tastes, but I'll take that any day over the trying-too-hard, know-it-all vibe that is found on many other channels.
I like his stuff, and it is funny that he's been using a Kemper and just using his amp as a prop. Doesn't make me think the Kemper is anything other than a dogpewp though, and I've owned 6 of them so I'm in a position to know!!

It isn't that it doesn't sound good. It does. It can sound really good.

But it isn't accurate. And since that is the ENTIRE sales proposition, I am unhappy with it.

And if I hear one more person sniff their own farts whilst bigging up the delays and reverbs - which are average at best - I'm gonna go on a kill crazy rampage.

Maybe they'll get me on the next one - if they make one.....
Josh's passion for the history of pedals is beyond questioning. Are they a little corny? Yes, but they also admit that. These guys weren't dating the head cheerleader in school or being voted prom king. He spends most of his time promoting other peoples stuff that is in direct competition with JHS. The guys from That Pedal Show are also so nerded out and into pedals and tone that you have to be envious of their jobs. If I played out and used a bunch of pedals I'd own a GigRig for sure...I just happen to have the greatest "rig/rig controller" in a rack on my desk and don't have to crawl around thinking about cable routing...point and click baby!
I think the reason FAS is not mentioned on a lot of the shows is because the products, for better or worse are not sold through commercial retailers. I also hear a lot of YTer's that demo Helix or Kemper mention FAS as the standard.
I have the feeling that if Cliff talked to Josh over coffee one day that after a few hours of talking tech stuff Josh would offer up all his pedals for FAS to dig into. I mean if you'll send one to Rhett to let it sit for over a year before he turned in on to review not sure why you wouldn't send Josh one to be blown away with. After an hour I feel that Josh would "get it".
I don't know who that is, and I guess I'm glad?
I think liked the world better when there were only four or five "celebrities." Bob Hope, anyone?
Glad I'm not the only one, the only JHS I know is John Hornby Skewes the distributor for mostly tat instruments in the UK.
Still trying to understand why we're supposed to care about what's going on with other product and rando YouTuber drama here.
I don't think you're supposed to care about it - it's just chit-chat in the Lounge. :)
Threads here in the Lounge over the last 10 years I've been around really seem to suggest that we have this all encompassing desire to know what every YouTuber and individual who posts on other forums has to say about guitar modelers, the business around them from other manufacturers. How much they cost, how much better or worse they sound, who's being sponsored by who. I just want to know why this has to be the People Magazine Gossip Section for Kemper, Quad Cortex, Line6 and whoever else.
So this is suppose to mean anything?? First YouTube destroys most audio with compression so why would anyone really care to notice. I would hope in this day that a deception like this would be easy to pull off. Yeah I find this a bit annoying and considering he now has a monetary incentive a bit disingenuous. Typical modernity mentality. Uhg…

Yes, Josh is credible when it comes to pedal knowledge and knowledge in general. I’ve watched his stuff. I would have been more a fan when I was making and designing my own pedals just for fun 20 years ago. Below is a straight UniVibe with highest quality components I made. Still works great.


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