JCM 800 suggestions


Fractal Fanatic
I am loving my new Lifeson Les Paul which lends itself toward a more vintage rock sounds for obvious reasons. I have really started to dial in the JCM 800 amp. My question is often it seems the low string -chords and riffs sound full yet in contrast to this, solos and the higher notes are a bit thin. Any suggestions to getting fatter bigger notes with the JCM ? My master is at aout noon, and drive is at about 6-7. Sometimes using an OD in front sometimes I do not. One of the best amps to do this with too!
I am just now digging in to the wonders of the 800 so I can't help you too much yet however I can say that I learned the higher you set the Master volume the "creamier" the tone gets, try that I think it will thicken up the tone some for you.
You might find that cranking the master past where you currently have it fattens things up to you liking since, on a real 800, turning up the master lets more low frequencies into the power amp as well as driving it harder.
I'd be interested to hear people's tips on this as well. I try to use the JCM 800 sim to get Neal Schon's "Stone In Love" tone, but the highs are kind of washed out by the lows.

I try to compensate with the low-cut parameter, the speaker-tab page, the amp's graphic eq, etc. but I just seem to go further down the rabbit hole and away from the tone I want.

Right now the drive's at 6 and the master is at 7.5. I'm hoping V6 will get me closer ;)
okay so it sounds like most are experiencing similar aspects of what I am getting at. Here is what I have so far, it will cover a lot of ground AC dC to ZZ to a lot of classic tones!
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