JAMMIT. .........Any good ? Any users ?

As I tune in Eb, I tried to export the tracks so I could transpose them a half step down but no luck, it seems that Jammit is protected against that. I tried using the "what you hear" functionality to record the sound in real time, and even video capture it to make a demo, but as soon as I press record on any other soft, Jammit stops playing. Anyone has a solution for that ?

Adobe Audition does that for me as well. Your software is releasing whatever driver it's using, I think.

However, AUDACITY does not do that... it records just fine on my laptop.
I've bought a bunch of songs (Yes, Return to Forever), and I've found it valuable. That said, the interface is still buggy in Windows, but has gotten better. Still a ways to go, however, and they are aware of it. It needs to be able to maximize complete, and the fact that you can't print out the score is a huge negative, IMO.

agreed.considering what you are paying per version of these tracks, a printable score is a must.I am not keen on sitting in front of a computer all the time and i could memorize more easily if i could sit on the couch and read these .Overall Jammit gets high marks though.Some of the older Rush songs have guitar bleed even with guitar all the way off, but most tracks don't have this problem
When I try to play the songs, the program crashes with error code 22B8 (using windows).

I asked support for help but their only suggestion was to use the computer's internal soundcard instad of my interface. But the program doesn't allow the user to select an audio device for playback right? I'm pretty sure I already disabled the internal soundcard and on-board mic/line jacks because it clashed with my interface.

Has anyone had luck getting past this problem?
I'm using it, more out of curiosity than actual learning of the songs. It works well with ipad, and I have also had it working OK with Windows. I indended to cop some of the iso-guitar tracks to try and tone-match them, but never did get around to it.....
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