I've ordered an Axe FX Ultra


I don't know know if I can sleep until it arrives.

Gonna have heaps of questions for you all. :mrgreen:

Thanks to all of the Youtube vids and audio samples. Totally convinced me to buy before I tried.

Rock on
Sydney Australia
Congrats. I like this unit so much that soon as I can I will be getting a second one for my Son. I gave him my Boss GT10 and I can't stand the sound of it at all anymore. I even told my kid use my rig with the Axe FX till I can get a second Axe....Its that good in my opinion.
gruggier said:
Congrats. I like this unit so much that soon as I can I will be getting a second one for my Son. I gave him my Boss GT10 and I can't stand the sound of it at all anymore. I even told my kid use my rig with the Axe FX till I can get a second Axe....Its that good in my opinion.
If you ever want to adopt someone, I'm available. I would like it very much if you gave me a Boss GT10 and also an Ultra as a backup for the one I already have. Oh, and I could also use a Tom Anderson Classic (with a Fishman bridge), but that can wait until my birthday (next month).
gruggier said:
Congrats. I like this unit so much that soon as I can I will be getting a second one for my Son. I gave him my Boss GT10 and I can't stand the sound of it at all anymore. I even told my kid use my rig with the Axe FX till I can get a second Axe....Its that good in my opinion.
Careful....You may Hog both!!! :D
Kitch said:
Gonna have heaps of questions for you all. :mrgreen:

Thanks to all of the Youtube vids and audio samples. Totally convinced me to buy before I tried.

Rock on
Sydney Australia

Congrats! A great exercise to do is once you get the unit (and after doing the obligitory play immediately!) go to the Wiki and start reading the manual. Try to read it up to I/O configuration. Once you get to I/O config, play with every parameter that is described until you fully understand the description. By the time you get done (probably many months later!) you will have a very deep understanding of the unit and will be answering our questions!!
gruggier said:
Congrats. I like this unit so much that soon as I can I will be getting a second one for my Son. I gave him my Boss GT10 and I can't stand the sound of it at all anymore. I even told my kid use my rig with the Axe FX till I can get a second Axe....Its that good in my opinion.

What a dad! One of my Nephews first sentences was "Kitch play guitar" Do they have an Axe FX mini's suitable for 2 and under?

mitch236 said:
Kitch said:
I'm gonna start reading the Wiki right now. :geek:

That's funny!!! With the exception of the beginning, you should read the Wiki with your Axe in front of you.

I have a very vivid imagination. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Yesterday, I got the email that the Ultra was in stock and within 5 minutes I placed my order. I should be getting it on July 1. Just in time for Independence day. Independence from all the glitches and latency using Amplitube!
Gigazaga said:
Yesterday, I got the email that the Ultra was in stock and within 5 minutes I placed my order. I should be getting it on July 1. Just in time for Independence day. Independence from all the glitches and latency using Amplitube!

:cool: :D
The delivery tracking says its in Australia already. Wooooooooooohoooo

May have it by my birthday (July 1).
Hey Kitch,

Did you get your axe yet? mine has been stuck in customs since the 29th.
I live in tassie so once it finally clears i will be waiting another 2-3 days, it's driving me nuts!
rickgk said:
Hey Kitch,

Did you get your axe yet? mine has been stuck in customs since the 29th.
I live in tassie so once it finally clears i will be waiting another 2-3 days, it's driving me nuts!

Tell me about it mate. I'm pretty annoyed with the customs setup I have never imported goods before and it seems more trouble than it's worth.

When it arrived in Australia.... they sent a letter to me to inform me that it had arrived in customs. They want to charge me around $50 for something 5% for something else and 10% for something else plus having to pay a broker if I want to use one. I have to fill out 3 forms all with duplicated information in it (poorly worded).

I was hoping to have today but omg what a nightmare. I've got so submit the stuff on Monday and then wait.

I'm hoping things go smooth with this ridiculous process and I can get down to playing music.
Geez Kitch that sucks mate.

I don't know how I did it, but when I ordered my Ultra, I didn't have to worry about any of that stuff. I don't know how I avoided it.

Maybe it was cause I was one of the first people in Australia to get an Axe-FX.

Best of luck with it.

The Axe FX Ultra is amazing. I'm totally loving it.

I have been playing it through my studio speakers and have been having a ball.

The sounds are lush and the amps feel good.

I have been neglecting my normal daily duties and have missed some meals. Its addictive.

Rock on
*jealousy* :D

That process sounds really intense. I'm saving for one now but I think I might try and get an Ultra from eBay to avoid the crazy fees and waiting.
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